@TheMaeMartin (& #EnergyVampires like me) #Dope Ourselves with 'Adventures' that Turn On our #Dopamine-Makers | #Doping #TheDope

True, the substance she talks about (in the video below) isn't the naturally occurring substance that it imitates; but in her NETFLIX special (Episode 2 of the UK-collection of the series offered at the site linked through the 'built' word below) she talks about her 'addictive personality'—fueled by the naturally occurring substance that her brain makes when she interacts with Bette Midler, stand-up comedy, a romantic infatuation, or whatever her next obsession may be (like her teenage-obsession with Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

The word “Dopamine” (one of the 'happy'-chemicals your brain makes) is built on “Dioxyphenylalanine + |Amine.” 

I always thought the word "Dope" was related to
 'Dopamine,' but 'Dopamine' isn't mentioned anywhere
 on Etymonline's 'Dope'-entry. It says ... 

The word 'Dope' is built on "to Dip" ( |Sauce, |Gravy, any |Thick |Liquid, Foolish Person ( |Victim of an |Opium-Habit), Stupid/Stupefied (by |Narcotic |Drug (semi-|Liquid |Opium Preparation one Smokes)), |Sluggish, Mixture- or Preparation of Unknown Ingredients, |In|side |Information (orig. Knowing 'which Horse had been "Doped"')).

I'm not (yet) a big fan of Mae Martinshe's witty & insightful etc., I just haven't seen that much of her–but her NETFLIX half-hour is helping me get over 'my problem' ...

I'm an energy-vampire—we're not the 'extra-terrestrial streaker who absorbs people's psionic energy'-type, nor the kind who do some sort of 'energy-vampire' ritual, but rather more like Colin from "What We Do in the Shadows ...

I don't keep any of the energy I "take" from people, but I don't often get invited to spend time with friends ... I ... I don't like 'being honest about myself,' as it leads to a lot of depressing rumination if I don't focus on "what I can do to improve the situation I'm 'being honest-about.'"

I would get invited to more 'gatherings' (parties, luncheons, dinners, movies, church-services, plays, concerts, seminars) if ... I can't think of any possible 'changes in my behavior' without blaming my bad focus on others ...

I it's because "I don't know what others want me to be" (you might say 'I don't know what I want to be,' sense anybody I ask 'What do you want me to be?' would reply, "Whatever you want" ... if not some vague generality like 'a good man' or 'a good boy').

People go to 'those gatherings' because they (more-or-less) want to "take a break from 'being what everyone wants them to be'"—shifting into the role we imagine God & angels & demons & our predecessors are-in (invisible audience).

And naturally, they invite 'others who are "being what everyone wants them to be" alongside them' (co-workers, classmates ... most of the social-events I get invited to are 'along with fellow survivors' (although we're usually there as "survivors in the audience" ... they way I imagine others think of themselves as 'students in the audience' or 'professionals in the audience' or etc.))

Before introducing 'the tricks to getting an invite without openly asking for an invite' (because nobody wants to be at a party "because the host was forced to invite you"), SociableIntrovert gives a few reasons why you weren't invited at-first:
  1. You & the host have 'a personal issue' going on
  2. You & the host aren't close, or
  3. (the most-probable case) You're just not 'a party-person'—nothing "wrong," just that you present yourself as 'a loner.' Not to say you aren't a party-person; just that you haven't displayed that side of your personality—quite appropriate, in fact; because you haven't been in the proper place to display that side (i.e. to get into 'the proper place,' "Get Invited to the Party)

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