The Introduction? at the #Bottom of the Chart? Really, @Scientology? | #Bottomless #BottomLine #BottomMost #Bottomed #Bottoming #GetToTheBottomOf

Granted, you've probably got to know a little bit about Scientology (i.e. have already been 'introduced') to get the chart (Scientology's "Bridge to Total Freedom"); but the chart has 'its title' at the top, so why not put the 'introduction to the process' there?

Why? Because ... we'll get into that later. What I show first is 'the group of words' that couch "that word" (below hyperlinked to ... something) into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Bottom (or #BottomsUp #BottomDollar #BottomOfMyHeart #BottomFeeder)” is built on ancient words that mean |Ground, |Soil, Lowest- or |Deepest Part of Anything (Cf. words that mean Farm, Piece of Land, |Sole of the Foot).

After outlining the three main sections, the introduction to "The Bridge to Total Freedom" goes on ...

  1. In your first reading of the chart you will probably have scanned it over in a general way and become familiar with many parts of it. Be sure, next, to read across the top of the columns to learn what each level describes. You'll see that there are three main areas, TrainingAwareness Characteristics and Processing, and all three progressupwards in increasing levels on the chart. Just as each level up to Clear requires anauditor with an added field of knowledge and skill, at each level we find also apreclear ready to be run on the level, having attained all the grades below. 
  2. Now look at the various introductory level services at the bottom of the chart underDianetics and Scientology Introductory Services. Note that these introductory level services and activities are not mandatory, but are there to help one begin and become familiar with the fundamentals. One may take any of these routes he chooses---the Registrar at your nearest Church of Scientology can assist you in selecting the one best suited to your needs and interests.
  3. Read across each complete level of the chart, only moving up a level when you have satisfied your own understanding of each level as described. You will thereby gain athorough grasp of the direction and magnitude of Dianetics technology andScientology philosophy....

I just saw the season-two episode that features Paul
 Haggis, who was a) the first celebrity to resign from
 Scientology & b) probably one of Leah Remini's
 biggest inspirations to find out whether she should

I'm probably a lot like Paul Haggis was when he
 started in Scientology---highly impressed with
 the self-help stuff Scientology provides (for FREE) ...

  1. (continued) ... At the band of Clear the column headings are doubled for each level so the headings correspond to the upper and lower boxes in each row.
  2. The optimum route up this chart is to train as an auditor and co-audit with another up the processing side of the chart. Through training you gain a complete understanding
    of the mind and life and thus your gains from auditing are greater. Following completion of the Purification Rundown, co-auditing can be done up through NED (New Era Dianetics) Case Completion or the state of Clear in all Academies of Scientology organizations. 
  3. On the far-left & far-right of the chart, you will find described various services (training services on the left-hand side, processing on the right) that can be done at several different points on one's way up The Bridge. For more information on these, see the Registrar at your nearest Church of Scientology. 
  4. Read the books of Dianetics technology and Scientology philosophy, available from every Church of Scientology or your local bookstores for continued expansion of your knowledge and use of the subjects. 
  5. In your study of this chart (and in any study) be sure you do not go past words you do not understand. Use a good dictionary. There is also a Scientology Dictionary available from your Church of Scientology....
    • I 'do a little research' & link to it from words here. If I put one here and don't link it yet (I put "|"s ('vertical dashes,' I think they're called) before the words I think are important but haven't 'researched' yet). If there's one here I haven't researched or marked, I hope you'll ask about it in the comments.
With this chart in front of you, you have already made the most important step of all---you have contacted truth and the route to freedom. It is hard for man in his present condition to grasp even 'that higher states-of-being exist.' He had no literature about them, really, or any vocabulary for them. In all of philosophy he had no glimmering at all of Dianetics technology and only a distant hope for spiritual freedom as in Scientology philosophy, but no technology at all. 
Factually you've been traveling this universe a very long time without a map. Now you've got one

Hey, wait a minute! I thought we weren't supposed
 to learn about that until OT III!

Put this chart on your room's wall. When you've taken some of the steps, mark them DONE with the date. Find out your next step and mark it TO BE DONE & WHEN. Then do it. There's plenty of expert help in the Churches- and Missions of Scientology; don't hesitate to use it. 
Keep track of your progress and keep moving. You'll make it. All the way....

|Definitions (also at the bottom of the chart ... although that is where 'glossaries' usually are)
