Finally #Grasping 'How *I* Should Use the #WritersLift'

I'll tell you how I'll use the #WritersLift (which will probably be a good way for YOU to start too); but first I want to teach you more about that word ... some deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Graspingmight be built on ancient words that mean "to Seize, Reach" (see Grab).

#Grasp #Grasps #Grasped #Graspingly 

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There are probably thousands of articles about "What a #WritersLift is" on the Internet. But I (like many, I'm sure) first heard about it from other writers on Twitter---the same way I heard about #NaNoWriMo, and I'm not really sure what that is either (if it's linked to the right definition, it's because I went back & linked it after searching to find out).

Writers on Twitter--in celebrating big book-sales or a new publication or whatever--will tweet, "Okay! Time for a #WritersLift! Reply to this tweet with a link to your latest work, and--while I and other writers read your work & retweet it & follow your Twitter-profile--have a look at all the other replies & like/follow/retweet/browse/buy their works!"

(Well, I added that last part; because--though it's what I do and what they expect you to do--they don't exactly say to do that (the follow/like/retweet-stuff).)

I used to think---I dunno; something related to 'what you hear from all those MLM-promoters (the whole 'invite 2 who invite 2 who invite 2 etc., and you've got MILLIONS sooner-or-later!')' But I found out 'what #WritersLift was originally'---#FollowFriday! 

Oh, it WILL boost our success as writers; but only by strengthening our 'bond' on Twitter (and other connected networks).
