The #Character I Should Be Proud to Have (the #BibleCharacter I Resemble Most) | | #Characteristic #Characters #Characteristically

You read The Holy Bible, and you naturally adopt the qualities of one of its featured characters. Well, I'll discuss mine below (or elsewhere). You can find out your Bible-Character at the the site* "that word" links-to below.

*(Actually, it's 'the search-results for a list of Bible-Character tests ...
 which I'll take & discuss soon)

What I show here is 'the group of words' that give "that word" a place to connect to your vocabulary ... deeper sources that firm the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Character” is built on ancient words that mean “Pointed |Stake” (Engraved Mark, Symbol or |Imprint on the Soul; Defining Quality, Individual Feature, Sum of qualities that define a Person or Thing & Distinguish it from another, Moral qualities assigned to a person by Repute, |Eccentric |Chap or |Fellow (or maybe a Gal, usually a |TomBoy or Stark Independent Woman)).


... and I got around to it ...
Certificate: Test results
Which Bible Character Am I?

For 50% you are: So which Bible character are you the most like? You are David! You have deep thoughts that a lot of people just wouldn't understand. You are creative, passionate and detailed. But sometimes, all you want to do is be alone....
32% of 73854 quiz participants had this profile!
