#Definitions @Scientology's people think are important | #Define #Defining #Defined #Defines #Definition #Definable #indefinable #indefinite #predefine #redefine

What I show first is 'the group of words' that couch "that word" (below hyperlinked to my post about Scientology's "Bridge to Total Freedom") into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Define (or #undefinable #undefined)” is built on ancient words that mean "to Completely Limit (from words that mean |Boundary, End ... Finish)."

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After a few introductory points, "The Bridge to Total Freedom" lists some Definitions:
  • AUDITOR: a person trained and qualified in applying Dianetics and/or Scientology processes and proceduures to individuals for their betterment; called an auditor because auditor means one who listens.
  • CLEAR: the name of a state achieved through auditing or an individual who has achieved this state. A Clear is a being who no longer has his own reactive mind. A Clear is an 'un-aberrated' (before I added the dash, spell-check suggested "unaerated"😄) person and is rational in that he forms the best possible solutions he can on the data he has and from his viewpoint.

    Hopefully, "his viewpoint" is wid3-scoped enough to know
     that "the best possible solution" requires more 'viewpoints'
     than just 'his!'

  • DIANETICS: Dianetics spiritual healing technology---It addresses and handles the effects of the spirit on the body, and can alleviate such things as unwanted sensations and emotions, injuries and psychosomatic illnesses (ones that are caused or aggravated by mental stress). Dianetics means "through the soul" (from Greek dia "through" and nous "soul"). It is further defined as "what the soul is doing to the body."
  • OT: a being who is [or who claims to be] knowing and willing cause over lifethoughtmatterenergyspace and time. For thousands of years men have sought the state of complete spiritual freedom from the endless cycle of birth and death and have sought personal immortality containing full awareness, memory and ability as a spirit independent of the flesh. In Scientology this state has been attained [so they say]. We call this state "Operating Thetan." To operate something is to handle it. Thetan is from ... (see THETAN). Thus it means a being who--as a spirit alone--can handle things.
  • PRECLEAR: a person who is on the road to becoming Clear. (see CLEAR)
  • RELEASE: the term for what occurs when a person separates from his reactive mind or some part of it. The degree and relative permanence of being pulled out of the reactive mind determine the state of Release. There are a number of states- or stages of Release, and these are called Grades.
  • SCIENTOLOGY: Scientology philosophy. It is the study and handling of the spirit in relationship[ to itself, -to universes and -to other life. Scientology means scio "knowing in the fullest sense of the word" and logos "study." In itself the word means literally knowing how to know. Scientology is a "route"--a way, rather than a dissertation or an assertive body of knowledge. Through its drills and studies one may find the truth for himself. The technology is therefore not expounded as something to believe, but something to do.
  • THETAN: the person themselves---not their body or name, the physical universe, mind or anything else; that which is aware of being aware; the identity which is the individual. The term was coined to eliminate any possible confusion with older, invalid concepts. It comes from the Greek letter "theta" (θ) to which an n is added to make a noun in the modern style used to create words in engineering. It is also θn, or "theta to the nth degree," meaning unlimited or vast.
  • TR: Training Regimens or -Routines, often referred to as Training Drills. TRs are practical drills on the cycle of communication.

Designations and abbreviations such as those found in the body of this chart are to be found in the Scientology Dictionary ... but I'll probably find some definitions they don't want you to know (at least not right now, if not 'not ever')

Terms (from such sources as Leah Remini, Mike Rinder, Caroline Letkeman, What Is Scientology, etc.) like:
