One Thing that Puts one At-Risk of Bitter Rumination: Bad #Timing (Thinking/Saying the Wrong Thing at the Wrong #Time)

Oh, sure ... I'm gonna come up with 'all kinds of excuses for
 it' and 'weave them into the writing below'; but I really want
 you to help find the right things to think when these
 out-of-place thoughts find their way to the talking think-muscle!

I think about things (things I feel about things others do when they actually have nothing to do with me). Probably 'something annoying about me'—and no, not 'something that makes people think I'm annoying'; but rather 'something that annoys me' ... I don't even like to think about it, it's so "small" of me.

It's kind of like 'when you're devoting time to something other than God.*'

---If you weren't thinking about him until that mention, he (his 'Old Testament'-self, anyway) probably thinks you were thinking against him ... Oh, God is "patient & understanding" and so knows that you weren't thinking against him—just not thinking of any 'higher being' in-general;

but those times you spend time on 'a worldly activity' rather than 'a glorious service to The Kingdom'; those are the times when God fears you might get pulled away from him & might not come back.

'That word' is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which the our lexicon stands ...

The word “Time” is built on “to |Divide” (|Hour, |Limited Duration).

The problem (mine, in most of those 'small of me'-cases; God's, that he got angry about in the Old Testament; maybe yours, at times): People don't know 'what the other person's goal is.'—when one person's talking with someone & the other leaves without even stopping the first, it's rude–and they're not anger-fueled enough to respond telling the other how rude it is.

But they still feel 'dejected,' and–if they don't 'think the right thing in response'–they ruminate on the dejected feeling, and it digests into a lot of self-hate.

What the interrupted one should do (as I'm sure Our Father God does when we seem to ignore him): go ahead and turn their focus along with the others. That way, they're both concerned about the same thing; they can go & solve the problem the interruption needed to deal-with, and then can get back to the interrupted conversation later 

And How is any of that about 'timing'? ... Probably by way of 'not knowing the right time to talk about how such interruptions make one feel.'

Or maybe I'm looking at it wrong—that's one reason
 Our Father God said "It is not good for the man to be
 alone":  "Because the man'll think he's right until someone else shows
 him why he's not"—Won't you show me
 if I'm right-or-wrong in the comments below?

*And no, I'm not saying "I am anything like God." I am kind of amazing; but that's only 'following-
after him.'
