Declaration of #InDisBlogance - Naming it #Canonicity (Are We All on the Same Page?)| @MPubHub @VoicesOfMusic @GIFkeyboard @USCCB
In `Dis Blog ... I 'know' that stuff happens (i.e. I hear it from reliable sources, see it happening on TV or 'the Internet' (YouTube, Vimeo etc.)). And I share it here, to make sure my mind-canon matches up with your mind-canon.
A previous name was 'my portmanteau of #Eavesdropping & #Canon,' but "I ain't droppin' no eaves' (and nobody really uses that word anyway---but still, it seemed like a lot of what I learned was in conversations 'not aimed at me' ...).
The word “Eavesdropping” (Standing at a Wall or Window to Overhear what's going on inside) is built on ancient words that mean "Place around a House where the Rainwater Drips off the Roof" (see #Eave).
just like #Eavesdropper #Eavesdroppers #Eavesdrop #Eavesdrops #Eavesdropped
The word “Eave” is built on ancient words that mean "Under (Up from Under, Over ... I know it's a little confusing, but that's because it's the Underside of a Roof Over your head in a |Porch or |Vestibule or |Hall or ... |Forest?)"
just like #Eaves
The word “Canon” is built on ancient words that mean "Straight |Rod or Bar, Rule, Standard of Excellence (perhaps related to words that mean Reed, |Cane)" (usually referring to Churches' |Ecclesiastical Law or to a Clergyman living in Accordance with those Decrees, but also applied to a |Fugal Composition (in Music, Poetry, or in Media so diverse as to create a #MindCanon in Fans' Memory/Imagination).
Incidentally, I stumbled upon that word (along with #CanonLaw #CodeOfCanonLaw #CodeOfCanonsOfTheEasternChurches) in the USCCB's Catholic Glossary; which tells us the original Greek also meant Norm or Measure, and was extended to refer to approved-Books of The Bible, -Eucharistic Prayers, & -Individual Laws for All '|Dioceses' (and 'praise be to Zeno' for telling me 'the plural of "Diocese"').
just like #Canons #Canonical
The Canon was also The Church's name for its Catalogue of Saints---a Calendar which Churches used to remind them to celebrate the Saints' days (so #Canonize is the verb for 'adding a new Saint's name to the Calendar').
just like #Canonizes #Canonized #Canonizing
(The camera company Canon Inc. is named after the Buddhist bodhisattva #Kannon (a.k.a. #Guanyin or #Kunanyin or #Kwannon or #Kwanon or 観音).)
"I ain't droppin` no eaves" (a line from Fellowship of the Ring), but media today puts Watchers like me on the eaves of every happening & -idea we feel like knowing more about.
Microsoft Start ('installed' on the toolbar of my computer's main-screen) ... if I absent-mindedly let my mouse-cursor float over that section of toolbar, they remind me that there's all sortsa stuff I should hear about! Today they told me
- 16 slang terms Gen Zers are using in 2023 and what they really mean (
- 14 Celebrities Who Lost Everything (
- 17 Physical Sensations Women Rated Are the Best Feelings in the World (
- 7 Foods That Are Good for Your Liver (
- Longterm, Once-Beloved American Traditions That are All But Gone (
- 19 Bad Behaviors and Traits Women Are Extremely Attracted To (And Regret Later) (
- McDonald's Is Making Some Major Changes To Its Classic Burgers (
- Vintage Hygiene Tips That Are No Longer Socially Acceptable (
- 20 Famous '80s Heartthrobs Then and Now (
- New school lunch nutrition requirements will backfire. Kids won't eat what they don't like. (
- 30 Terrible Things That Were Accepted in the 80s But Not Today (
- 8 Burger Chains That Aren't As Good As They Used to Be (
- Things women secretly do (but never admit to) (
- ‘Effort beats skill.’ ‘Never give a gun to a duck.’ 25 times teachers gave us the best advice. (
- 14 "Poor People" Dishes You'll Never Let Go Of No Matter Your Wealth (
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
I really enjoy sharing my unique perspectives and I'm thankful to you for liking this enough to subscribe (FOR FREE) to get alerts when I post something new and -to comment below (to tell me how crazy or -ingenious or -foolish or -enlightening-etc. my writing is).
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