@BartEhrman reminds me of a #HypocrisyOfJesus - The "Foundation" of Jesus' #Church vs. that of a Wise Man's House

Jesus says 'a wise man builds on a rock-foundation,' but then He says that the rock on which His Church is to be built is 'the faith of His most-devoted disciple' (though He knows "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak").

I thought of that when this interviewer suggested that well-known agnostic Bart D. Ehrman was an "agnostic evangelist" (in the sense that Christian 'evangelists' are defined as "people who try to get more people to join their Church," and not necessarily 'people who try to spread the Good News far-and-wide').

Bart responded that ... well, see below (near the 5-minute mark):

The word “Church” is built on words that mean “to Swell” (and is related to words that mean "grow Strong, -Powerful, Ruler, Lord" ... and the surname is that of a family that lives near 'the House of the Lord').

Other words discussed: Agnostic ((Absence of) Knowledge), Atheist ((Absence of) Belief), Study of Religion (not-exactly Theology ... more like 'Theologistology,' or 'what people think when they believe in a god'), Education, that The Bible IS NOT the Inerrant Revelation of God, "Misquoting Jesus," Evangelical Christian Fundamentalist, Why there's Suffering in the World
