American Citizenship is a Religion, with #Law as Our 'Holy Writings' (even BEFORE @POTUS #Trump became 'Law-Babbler')

Oh, 'atheists-etc.' will deny that, responding with something like, "But laws are written- & voted on-for 'logical reasons!'" But there are legislators across the nation who will admit (privately, or when they know they've got their election locked-in) that they vote for some laws "because friends wrote them!"

And "because it's a law" will often outweigh any reasonable argument against an official's reaction to 'a court-decision'—for example, once the Supreme Court made a decision on Roe v Wade, we could then say that many of the bills being proposed in today's courts are 'just wrong' ... oh, we could list all the reasons-why women ought to keep 'the right to decide whether the womb-cancer they have should be-cut out & killed or -allowed to grow into an independent person'; but–no matter what 'the pro-life whiners' say–we can counter with "but The Law says ..."

... just the same way Christians can counter the argument of any 'sinner' with "but The Bible says ..." just the same way Muslims can cite The Qu'ran, Buddhists The Lotus Sutra, Jews The Torah (and Tanakh/Talmud), Hindus The Vedas & The Upanishads, Bahá'is the KITÁB-I-AQUDAS, etc.

Along with 'court decisions' (a.k.a. case law), America's 'scriptures' include constitutional lawstatutory law, treaties, administrative regulations, and the common law (which includes case law).

The word “Law” is built on words that mean “to |Lie/|Lay down” (|Put, Fix, |Set, |Layer, Right, Legal |Privilege, |Ordinance, Rule |Prescribed by Authority, |Regulation, |Litigation).
