@MSNBC ADVERTISES it as 'an Attempt to Understand the #SixthOfJanuaryInsurrectionists,' but this "Video Essay" is 'mostly-just #Whiny @TiffanyDCross #Whining' | #Whine #Whiner

Oh, the things Tiffany says aren't "wrong"; they just don't fit with the title of the video. It's titled "Why Are Trump Supporters So Mad?" when I more-appropriate title might be 'If Trump-Supporters Were Inspired to Riot after a Little Bit of Misfortune, Why Haven't Blacks Risen to Take Power over their Ancestors' Owners' Children?'

I clicked on MSNBC's title, expecting to actually hear 'Why Trump-Supporters Are So Mad'; but I was disappointed by the whining you can hear on the page linked through 'that word' below ... "Whiny" ...

I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Whiny (like #Whined #Whines #Whinge #Whinner #Whinnered #Whinnering ... Etymonline (Britain?) spells it #Whiney)” is Imitative of the Feeble Complaint of a Dog, -the Whistle or Hiss or Whiz of an Arrow Flying through the air, -the Neigh of a Horse (a #Whinnying #Whinny).


If MSNBC had actually wanted to 'try and find out' why the Trump-Supporters are still so mad, they might have found ...
