Here's Why their #Prayers are NOT FOR YOU! (and they #Sin if they SAY they #Aim to #PrayForYou) - #Prayer #Pray

Oh man! I wrote this whole thing about 'sin' and 'prayer' and the 'aim' of people who claim to "pray for you," but this program (and I ... mostly me, no blame on them) erased all that & reset to this old entry ... I'll try to remember the new part below, but ... ARRGHHH ...

First of all, "Sin" itself ... Sin is not 'evil things done with bad intentions'—of course, 'evil things done with bad intentions' are a type of sin; but a worse sin is 'starting to do a good thing & not "seeing it through."'

The word "Sin" is built on ancient words that mean "to Miss the Mark" (|Offend, |Transgress, |Trespass ... |True, |Real, to |Be).

When people on the social-network blurt out that "they want somebody to 'pray for them,'" and they're responded-to with dozens of others saying, "Thoughts & Prayers," "Praying for you," "Amen & Amen," it almost angers me because 1) Lord Jesus told us to keep our prayers private (between ourselves & Yahweh),
& 2) the Aim of their prayers is not "fulfillment of the prayed-for one's prayers," but more 'that the "crying baby" (as Christians so-enjoy saying we're all "Babes in Christ") will be quiet & let the rest of us go about our business.

The word "Aim" is built on ancient words that mean "|Appraise, Determine the Value of" (Esteem).

I know this, because I've been 'prayed-for' and the pray-ers don't show faith.... See, I (with the help of Yahweh) 'survived' a Traumatic Brain Injury. (My support-group discourages use of the word "suffered" there (which is why I said "survived" instead), but 'Trauma' IS by-definition permanent suffering!)

And sure, everyone who knows me (and many who don't know me) "prayed for me"; and maybe they continue to pray for me. But they don't "believe that their prayers come to pass" ... or else I'd be married with children & a college-degree & a high-paying job by now.

The word "Pray" is built on ancient words that mean "to Ask, |Request, |Entreat."

And don't get me wrong, people's 'prayers' are always "appreciated" ... just like "wishing friends 'good luck' or -encouragement or -flattery etc."

But people are always fooling 'each other' (and themselves) into thinking that 'prayers' somehow "make God-love you more or -decide to give you more of what God always knew you'd need in the first place." That implication is a lie! No prayers ever changed God's plans!

The actual 'power of prayer' is IN THE HUMAN MIND: if the prayed-for person is actually doing the praying, then their mind will be expecting 'the answer to their request' (either "here, take this!" or "you're not quite ready to get that yet");

if the person doing the praying is praying for someone else, the faith-filled pray-er doesn't have to involve themselves with the pray-ee at all because–whether the pray-ee gets better or worse–'faith' tells the pray-er that "it's God's will now."(and the pray-er can get on with their own self-centered life & forsake the pray-ee ☹)

I recently rewatched Bruce Almighty (2003 with Jim Carrey & Morgan Freeman & Jennifer Aniston), and I was reminded of 'the kind of prayer God really hears' (i.e. not 'what we wish God would give us,' but more like 'an honest response when we hear what God really wants to tell us'):'

This is why Christians say they 'have to pray for Our Father God's gifts' (even though Lord Christ says God "knows what we desire before we even think to ask!" and even though "God gives the gifts 'indiscriminately'")—because–though God trusts that we're strong enough to weather 'gifts we don't want'–'gifts we do want' (which are the ones we "know" God gave, because we asked God for them) are the only ones we thank God-for.

I might usually argue against 'making God anthropomorphic (the way people imagine God to be "beardy Anthony Hopkins in the Sky," with "feelings" and "hopes" and "plans" like humans have),' but here 'an anthropomorphic God' might help us understand "the gifts God gives us."

(The most important thing about prayer–something Christians often forget, upsetting me when they ask for other people to pray for them (as though prayer were 'votes you call in to American Idol, to decide if the wishes get enough votes to "come true"')–is that the praying person then listens for the answer and/or goes out looking for the gift they want!---Oftentimes people go out looking for the gift they want, are unable to find it, and therefore buy into the lie that "sometimes God says 'No.'" Well, sometimes he does say "No"; but that's usually followed by "... that only seems to be what you want; but you only want that because you think it'll bring you this (usually 'peace,' 'satisfaction,' 'joy' or some other 'fruit of the Spirit').")

Back in the Old Testament, "The People of God" didn't have to know God ... not as much as they had to know 'the priest who knew higher priests who knew higher ... all the way up to The High Priest and/or the King (or Queen or High Judge), who handled all the God-transactions so that God's "gifts" to them were "paid-in-full."'

Today, the Christians 'take it as "a given"' (the very basis of Christianity–the one thing that makes it 'different from Judaism'–is the belief that The Highest High Priest has 'paid-in-full' all the payment ever needed for the "gifts" from Our Father God—so now we're all 'High Priests' dealing directly with God) so that–in their daily lives–they don't even think of 'how Our Father's creation pays for the gifts we take.'
