#Determining my Aim - What AM I Doing Here? and What is My Goal? | #Determine #Determines #Determined #Determiner #Determinate #Determination #Determinative #Determinism
I spend a lot of time 'writing' posts on this blog. (I could say "co-writing" or maybe "editorializing," as these blogs don't get me "writing" as much as it's 'reporting & quoting the writing of others.')
The main 'writing' I do is on MyLot (and some on a political-forum that was called Brigade). But that doesn't seem to bring 'the audience' I'm seeking; so I do a few 'extra things' to direct these posts to my social-network---mostly Twitter (you can tell by the 'Tweet-tags' I use in my title-lines ... the hashtag/"octothorpe," the at-sign/"monkey-tail" ... I also use the vertical-dash, but that's mostly for me---I don't think Twitter 'hyperlinks' those
(And I also use 'the free beginning-section of a feed-service' (I don't know all the "Internet-broadcasting words") to transmit my posts to Twitter & an email-newsletter (& I could add a couple other networks if I felt they would help.))
And my social-network brings (as-of August 2021) roughly 10-to-50 readers to each post.
And I'm pretty-sure that's "actual readers" (rather than 'displays' on people's untended machines in empty rooms, like the auto-surf exchanges are actually giving you 98% of the time!) Is 10-to-50 readers-per-post "enough?"
Don't get me wrong; I appreciate every single one of them! (tho chances-are, 50-to-100% of those readers are 'BlogSpot counting ME' š), but No! 10-to-50 is not nearly enough to meet my goal!
What is my goal? My aim? ... Well, I'll determine that below;
But first I want to understand that word ("Determine," which is the meaning of part of the base of "Aim") better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)
The word āDeterminingā is built on ancient words that mean "to Mark Off the End or Boundary or Limit" (De-, Terminus). #Indeterminable #Indeterminate #Predetermined #Undetermined
I Aim to Be Your Searchlight
In considering my goal, I look at 'people I spend most of my time with' (they're not "friends"--I mean; they're nice-&-everything, but I wouldn't count on any of them to drop 'whatever they're doing' in order to help me in a time of need!)
Yes, I'm talking about 'my favorite celebrities.' They each have HUGE numbers of audience-members ... I know 'it's their producers or -their promoters or -their studio-executives who do most of the heavy-lifting,' but ... well, you've probably never heard anyone get excited to go to a 'Max Martin'-concert or a 'Michael Mann'-special! (not unless you're enough of a music- or comedy-fanboy to even care who those people are!)
No, the crowds come to see 'the glow of the celebrity.'
My mind turns to The Church, where people all go "to be in the presence of God." (Some think, "Well, isn't God EVERYWHERE? Why 'go to church' to see God when you're with God 'WHEREVER YOU ARE'?" and I would respond, 'Well, you've got Britney Spears or Stephen Colbert or George Carlin or Justin Bieber on your mobile-device; why go to a live performance?')
And me---why would you direct your device to my writings, when they're mostly just 'thinkings that you can find anywhere else online'? Probably for the same reason that I (and many others) watch comedians' stand-up specials---they give us 'ways to view parts of reality that we wouldn't think to look at without their shine.'
Yes, you could say I want to be "a star"---spending plenty of time in the company of the other 'stars' in the night-sky. But have you ever searched for anything 'by the light of a star (or many night-stars) alone?
I haven't! So you might say that I'd rather be the your Sunlight; but a) the sunlight's unavailable half the day, while I hope THIS is available to you anytime you need it, and b) you can't 'put the sunlight away' when you don't need it!
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