We'll Always @getAdBlock FREE, but they'll Always #Ask us to Buy #AdBlockPremium (which probably isn't @AdBlockPLUS, as they ALSO have 'a Premium Upgrade') | @MailChimp @PCguidedotcom

And it works! (or at least they've got 'a side-hustle' that supports them while they generously volunteer their time to make sure advertisers don't waste their money by spending it on ads that get in our way & make us hate them)

Updating my FREE AdBlock, they gave me another upgrade-offer (available through the bold hyperlink below); but first, I'm sometimes curious about that word ... and you probably are too, so I'll share my discoveries and link to my discoveries about the foundations beneath some of the other words too.

The word “Ask” is built on ancient words that mean “to Wish, Desire (Seek).”

#Asked #Asking #Asker #Asks #Askers #AskHim #AskHer #JustAsk #JustAsking #AskMe #UnAsked 

Just in case AdBlock put that page behind a 'firewall' that only we AdBlock-ers can get-through, the page reads:

Your AdBlock can be improved!

We're fortunate to have an engaged and growing community. This year, we’ve been focused on building additional ways to help our users enjoy an internet experience with fewer pop-ups and distractions, easier access to content, and better privacy protection. We've highlighted that work below.
AdBlock is free, user-supported software. The vast majority of people will never pay to use our software, and it's important to us that AdBlock is available for everyone, regardless of whether they can contribute or not. This year we've invested hundreds of hours in building products that block more pop-ups, protect your privacy via our AdBlock VPN, and make the internet easier to use. We'd love for you to check them out. Every subscription helps!

What's new?

We’ve made it easy to block more ads, pop-ups, and trackers. Make any contribution to get improved ad blocking.


  • Block more pop-ups and distractions. Say goodbye to survey requests, newsletter pop-ups, and annoying autoplay video ads when you unlock AdBlock Premium.
  • Personalize your ad blocking experience. Now you can replace annoying ads with images you enjoy seeing. Beautiful nature scenery? Puppies or kittens? You got it! And you can even upload your own images for an experience that’s personalized just for you, all with AdBlock Premium.
  • Hide cookie consent notices. Soon you’ll be able to put an end to those annoying cookie consent banners used on most websites thanks to a new cookie blocking feature we’re finishing up. Sign up here if you’d like us to let you know when this feature is live.

Contribute at least $11 to unlock AdBlock Premium with the benefits above, plus a more private, secure internet experience with AdBlock VPN.

  • Access your favorite content. Access your favorite show whenever you want, wherever you want with AdBlock VPN. You can choose from a selection of virtual locations to experience fewer content restrictions.
  • Protect your privacy. Browse the web anonymously with our safe, simple, and affordable virtual private network. AdBlock VPN allows you to hide your online identity and prevent unwanted tracking.

Need any help? Please visit our Help Center for fixes for commonly reported problems. If you'd like to learn more about what we're up to, please sign up for our monthly newsletter.


And of course I double-checked (but still just suspect- ... because what do we EVER know for sure) that AdBlock & AdBlock Plus are two different, almost-unrelated programs. 
