What You ACTUALLY #Seek when You #PrayForHealing

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'Seek' (below-hyperlinked to a Bible-verse that solves my misunderstanding of 'the way prayer actually works') is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Seek” is built on words that mean “to Track down (to Perceive |Quickly, -|Keenly; |Presaging, Predicting)” (to Beseech). 

#Sought #Seeks #Seeking

It 'bothers me' when people ask for "prayers for healing" ... partly because a person's prayers are said to be "their private conversation with God," but mostly because God trusts us with these bodies!

So what you're really praying-for is forgiveness for your mis-management of the machine he trusted you with! (a machine that you are telling him you can't control anymore)

Take–for instance–Type-2 Diabetes—a disease one contracts by (putting it simply) eating too-much sugar. If you pray about it, the response will usually be a diet with far less sugar; but if you don't change your diet, the prayer is worthless!

Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
