A New Guild 'Mode'; "Appropriate #Measures" for @HeroWarsCentral's New Plans in #HeroWars? | @HeroWarsWeb @HeroWarsMobile @HeroWarsApp
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The programmers at Hero Wars explain the game's new mode in a report linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)
The word “Measures” (\ #Measure ... a base of the word "Mode") is built on ancient words that also mean "|Lot, Portion" (the same foundation as |Centimeter, |Commensurate, |Diameter, |Dimension, |Geometry, |Immense, Meal, Menopause, Menses, Menstrual, Menstruate, |Meter, -Meter, |Metric, |Metronome, -|metry, Monday, Month, Moon, |Parameter, |Pentameter, |Perimeter, |Piecemeal, |Semester, |Symmetry, Thermometer, |Trigonometry, |Trimester).
In case the page linked above gets 'faded out,' here's what it said:
New Game Mode in Development
Hey guys, we have great news to share! Our team is currently working on a new game mode for Guilds. We want to start gradually showing you the new mechanics of this massive future update, so today we are here to present its main features!
Note: All the terms presented in the article might become subject to change, we will additionally let you know about any changes if they occur.
New location
Heroes of Dominion will get access to the mysterious city of Asgard. Here our guardians will face an unprecedented boss and their henchmen — defeat them to make your heroes even stronger!
What is the new game mode all about?
This new game mode is for Guilds and will take the form of weekly activity. In Asgard, you and each member of your guild will be able to challenge new enemies, contribute to the overall Guild’s progress toward defeating the boss and receive great rewards!
There are two phases in the weekly battles:
Monday to Thursday, the first phase to fight henchmen;
Friday to Sunday, the second phase to take on a boss.*
Note that henchmen and the boss will not be available at the same time.
Defeating the henchmen is just as important as defeating the boss — this way, you will earn valuable resources and receive a boost for the entire Guild to ease the boss battle for yourself and your guildmates.
But do not worry, these battles will not take too much of your time: there is no need to participate in them every day — you can carry out battles on the last day of each phase.
Can anyone take part in this game mode?
Yes! All guild members at team level 65* or higher will be able to participate in battles and contribute to the guild’s progress!
*The required team level may be subject to change.
In this game mode, you and each guild member will battle enemies on their own, using heroes and pets. Also, you will not have to wait for the attack of your guildmates — participate when it’s convenient for you. But your fights will contribute to your guild’s progress toward defeating the boss who has a shared health bar for you and your guildmates. Also, by defeating the henchmen, you can temporarily strengthen your and your guildmates' heroes for the boss fight. If your guild manages to defeat the boss, then everyone will get an increased reward!
The level of the boss, and therefore its difficulty, will be the same for the entire guild, but it can be chosen by the guild master and generals. But, of course, the higher the level is, the better the rewards will be. And while we’re at it, let’s talk more about the rewards!
What do I get for participating in battles?
You will be able to get new resources as a reward for defeating henchmen, for dealing your share of damage, and for the Guild’s victory over the boss.
The main feature that will require new resources is Heroes’ Ascension. It’s a new progression system that will provide an opportunity to increase heroes' stats. In addition to that, Heroes’ Ascension will allow you to improve certain skills of several heroes.
For example, leveling up Thea’s Ascension will allow to improve her Healing Beam and Solar Sanctuary — her skills will not only heal but also additionally protect allies. We’re ready to present you one of her Ascension Upgrade:
Besides strengthening individual heroes, it will be possible to increase stats of all your heroes with a certain role (tank, healer, etc.). All the boosts that heroes get through Heroes’ Ascension will be applied in all Hero Wars game modes!
But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves! For sure, we will tell you more about the rewards and Ascension later — stay tuned!
When is the new mode out?
There is no exact release date at the moment — it takes time to develop such a massive game mode. We hope that you will be able to play it and take part in the first battles with new opponents this fall! But for sure, we will keep you informed, wait for more! :)
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