'Excavating' the @16Personalities- & #MBTi-Archetypes, I Have More #Grounds for 'Trademark of "Archetypes"' than #MeghanMarkle (watched by @MeghanMDaily & @MeghanMarkleOrg) has! | @ReadersDigest (MBTi stands for #MeyersBriggsTypeindicator @MBTiOnline, but the type-names are given by #16P)
I discuss Markle's 'insolence' (I don't even know if that's the right word!) in a revenue-sharing forum you can access through 'the bold word(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The word “Grounds” (if not "the |Residue at the Bottom of a Liquid" like #CoffeeGrounds (I know this sounds wrong; I'll work on it in a bit), perhaps from the past tense of |Grind) is built on ancient words that mean #Ground.
The word "Ground" is built on ancient words that seemed to mean |Deep Place (also the base beneath words that mean |Soil, Bottom, Field, |Plain).
#Background #CampGround #Fairground #Foreground #GroundFloor #GroundBreaking #GroundHog #Groundless #Groundling #GroundSwell #Groundwater #Groundwork #Overground #Playground #Underground #StandYourGround #RunToGround #GroundRule #RunAground
The Innocent's grounds are Safety; the Sage's, Knowledge; the Explorer's, Freedom; the Caregiver's, Service; the Ruler's, Control; the Creator's, Innovation; the Member's, Belonging; the Jester's, Pleasure; the Lover's, Intimacy; the Hero's, Mastery; the Magician's, Power; the Outlaw's, Liberation---examiners think I'm either a Caregiver or a Sage (and here's why some of those links are different-colored)
Besides 'whatever I discuss at the "Grounds"-link,' that news also showed me that "I've got work to do here."
That work included ... well, the picture I used there (and posted above) showed me that each Archetype has 'a Purpose'---sort of a guiding principle they use to motivate their progress.
So I thought I'd 'do' Purpose, but--when I checked to see if I had already 'done' Purpose--I found 'a whole `nother set of Archetypes' I forgot I'd started studying---the MBTI-profiles at 16personalities!
![]() |
They list the Analysts (Architect INTJ, Logician INTP, Commander ENTJ & Debater ENTP), the Diplomats (Protagonist ENFJ, Mediator INFP, |Advocate INFJ & Campaigner ENFP), the Explorers (|Virtuoso ISTP, Adventurer ISFP, |Entrepreneur ESTP & |Entertainer ESFP) & the Sentinels (Logistician ISTJ, Defender ISFJ, Executive ESTJ & |Consul ESFJ)---16P says I'm a Protagonist |
I'll get into all those too, but first ... I needed a synonym for 'purpose' that I hadn't done yet, and the first one I could find was "Grounds."
... ... ... now, I've got to 'do' all those words and link to them from here! (starting with those Meyers-Briggs letters---they stand for Extraversion-or-Introversion, Sensing-or-Intuition, Thinking-or-Feeling & Judging-or-Perceiving).
🤔🤔🤔 I searched for "Archetypes Meghan Markle" (again-and-again, adding words like 'Podcast' & 'Logo'), but couldn't find anything but random paparazzo-pictures of her from the news. The closest picture I found was one of her in the recording studio (doing her podcast, I guess).
But I suppose I can see why she wants to call her show 'the very thing her show is against'---tho it's good to know 'which archetype defines you,' people need to remember not to demand that others 'stick to the archetype we all assign them-to' 😁
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