#BuyNothingDay: @Greenpeace-&c.'s #Campaign against #BlackFriday & #CyberMonday, @TRTworld reports | #Campaigns #Campaigned #Campaigning #Campagne

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Well, 'they report' at the video linked-to through "that word" below.

What I show here is 'the group of words' that give "that word" a place to connect to your vocabulary ... deeper sources that firm the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Campaign” is built on ancient words that mean "a Field (of |Plain, Level Countryside (especially that near Rome))" (see Campus).

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Greenpeace (particularly in Canada ... at least that's the main country TRT mentions) wants us to develop a more-enduring climate (as opposed to the climate full of one-use-&-trash-it products popular today), and so encourage us not to be conquered by the temptation of bargain-prices offered 'the day after America's Thanksgiving Day.'
