Do the Sunnites' #DayOfJudgment & the Shiites' Day of #Judgment Differ in their methods of #Judging? | @Bing @ShiaPen @Patheos #Judge #Judged #Judges #Judiciary #Misjudge #Judger #Adjudge #Judgeship
I'm not sure if the Sunnites' Day-of-Judgement is different from the Shiites' (not to mention the Christians', Jews', Hindus' or the rest). I'll find out & report beneath the subscribe-bar; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)
The word “Judging” is built on ancient words that mean "to Say (Show, Pronounce Solemnly) Right or -Law. #Judicable #Judication #Judicative #Judicatory #Judicature #Judicious #Prejudge #Prejudice #SubJudice
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this is probably 'Shiite,' as they learn their beliefs from the Quran (rather than 'just the traditions of the disciples of Muhammad (PBUH, and -upon them all) |
I search for 'Shia Day of Judgment,' and found that The Quran says Resurrection (Ma'aad) comes on the Day of Judgment (Qiyamat) (either Shia Pen focuses more on 'how that means you should live your life,' or I just glance too quickly see what they prophesy happening).
Switching to 'Sunni Day of Judgement,' the results indicate not many "definite prophecies"---they say angels will question the soul about its faith & belief, and I get the idea that--though Allah may be able to see & count all your sins--there's no one-to-one judgment of each evil deed ... as long as you behave as a faithful servant, you're good 👌.
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