The #Caregiver Archetype (according to #individualogistDotCom) | #Caregiver #Caregiving

It's one of the archetypes I list in a blog you can access through 'the bold hyperlink(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Caregiver (actually meaning "Person who Attends the Needs of a Dependent")” is built Care & Give (#CareTAKER is a synonym, though--if not for the phrase 'taking care of the patient'--it ought to be the antonym!)

Follow told me I have the archetype of a Caregiver (funny, because I actually am a Dependent), telling me,

Dearest Jay Hubbard,

There's something truly different about you... I see extraordinary but unleashed potential lurking within you - potential that's been suppressed for decades now... Much like a dormant volcano just waiting for its time.

I'm sure you've noticed some rather peculiar occurrences over the last few months - perhaps through unfortunate circumstances, unforeseen occurrences, or as if the weight of the world's on your shoulders. These are all indications of your forthcoming period of transformation, emergence, and energies.

Yes, there is no doubt. Your Archetypal Initiation Cycle is on the VERGE of commencing. This is an intuitive cycle that concentrates the positive energies of the Collective Unconscious over the course of several weeks - allowing you to unblock all negative vibrations surrounding you to attain the unimaginable.

In other words, the days and weeks that follow are your optimal period to emerge from previous struggles, and past pains. Your timing to embark on this self-exploration journey could not have been more PERFECT.

There is plenty at stake here, Jay Hubbard. Your joy, happiness, luck, love, wealth...

Now, it is paramount that you complete this reading to the very end. Because after introducing your caregiver archetype, I will show you how you can leverage on this energetic shift to catapult your growth forward. That means no more mulling over opportunities, and no more retreating in the face of adversity.

We'll discuss this in greater detail later, but first, let us proceed with your archetype reading...


You are an individual who possesses great capacities of love... An individual whose sole purpose is to give large chunks of yourself to others.

That being said, you truly are a unique individual, Jay Hubbard... And needless to say, the world certainly needs more people like you.

And despite your seemingly simple appearances, you're definitely a whole lot smarter than you make yourself out to be. In other words, because of your archetype, there's no doubt that you possess a profound level of intelligence...

...A level of intelligence that is not merely limited to academics.

But... Because of your humble and mild-mannered nature, you'd very much prefer to hide that specific trait about you.

You'd very much rather be underestimated than overestimated, isn't that right?

You're also deeply sensitive when it comes to other's emotions - your emotional quotient amongst the highest in the archetypes... Allowing you to experience the pains, struggles, and happiness of others...

Your selflessness comes unparalleled. You're always so ready to give to others - whether its in the form of time through volunteering, in the form of money through donations, or even in the form of simple acts of love through listening to another's sorrows.

And unlike others, you're not picky when it comes to who you choose to give to. It doesn't matter to you, does it? Whether it's giving to loved ones, acquaintances, and often times, even strangers.

You might not be aware of this, Jay Hubbard... But your generosity does not go unnoticed. In fact, it inspires and encourages literally every one around you.

And that's why the world needs more people like you...


Your archetype has a magnetizing personality... One that draws respect and admiration from your friends and loved ones.

It's no wonder that people are always looking towards you whenever they need a listening ear.

And unlike other archetypes, you're not one to have massive circles of friends. But that does not mean to say that you have trouble with making friends.

In fact, it's quite the contrary. The other archetypes often find themselves drawn to your calm and tender presence.

You are, however, a little bit selective when it comes to who you choose to let into your life.

You prefer to keep your loved ones close, and your circle of friends small.

Amongst the people who know you best, you're often seen as a parental figure... Someone that they look to for guidance and advice.

This gives rise to your natural inclination to teach others, as you draw energy from imparting knowledge to those around you.

Caregivers often find the greatest amounts of fulfillment in careers that involve a lot of teaching and guiding, and nurturing.

Despite your mild-mannered character, there's a fierceness that resides deep within you. A fierceness that's only revealed when you have to protect the people you care deeply about - especially your children.

You're willing to give everything and anything it takes to keep them safe from harm.

But there are obstacles that stand before you... Obstacles that you must be made aware of...

Let's see ...


This portion of your Archetypal Introduction does not seek to scare you... But it's best that you be made aware of the potential challenges that lie ahead of you - or perhaps you've encountered some of these challenges already.

However, I have no doubt that with your strengths, resilience, and fortitude, you will overcome all that stands in your way.

You see, because of your sympathetic and giving nature, your actions are highly prone to being misunderstood - misinterpreted, even.

At times, others might be cynical of your good intentions. At times, they might even tarnish your reputation by spreading false rumours about you.

Bullies have their eye on you - cowards who have to rely on throwing their weight around to make themselves feel strong.

Don't let that discourage you. You are far stronger than they are, and in eventuality, you will be recognized for the altruistic and giving individual that you are.

After all, you are the one who keeps the world grounded in sympathy and empathy, by spreading your kindness and joy to everyone around you.

In the face of wicked hearts and selfishness, your heart of purity and kindness will prevail.


You tend to concern yourself with acts of sharing. You’re always happy to share your knowledge, wisdom and experiences with those around you. That is where you derive fulfilment from. The more you share, the more you express care for others, the happier you seem to be.

However, that can make you dependent on others for your own happiness. And that is something that you need to be careful of.

At times, it might feel as if you’re living your life for others. That’s not what you want. You want to live life for yourself. You want to love yourself. When you’re able to do that, success and the life of your dreams will follow. And that’s what Individuation aims to teach you.


Do you see that chart on top? That little chart over there represents the archetypes that you’re most likely to end up with. Or if you’re already in a committed relationship, there’s a really good chance that your spouse is one of those archetypes.

You’re not the kind of person that has trouble when it comes to love. Love interests find themselves drawn to your nurturing and giving nature.

You’re fiercely loyal, patient, giving, and emotionally connected. The relationships that you forge with potential lovers are always profound and deep.

That being said, you tend to be very selective with who you choose to date and who you choose to end up with – for good reason, of course.

You can use this little guide to determine potential life partners - especially since they're the ones who are far more aligned to your personal journey than other archetypes.

But don’t forget, Jay Hubbard, how you perceive yourself should not be determined by your love life. Your spouse or partner is meant to play a supporting role in your life; not the lead. It's always best to focus on your own personal growth, because that's the path that you must embark on to lead a rewarding and fulfilled life.

And they want to "Guide Me To Abundance!"? (This next page probably turns into "a sales-letter," but I'll go ahead and quote it so we can glean a little bit of wisdom from it ... wisdom that you'll gain better if you tell me your interpretation in the comments 😎)


Jay Hubbard, even though you've made some remarkable progress in your life...

There is a big part of you that's yearning for something MORE. Perhaps you're living pay cheque to pay cheque, and you're not experiencing the abundance you've always yearned for.

Perhaps there's an overwhelming sense of loneliness and emptiness, finding it difficult to connect with others.

Or... Perhaps you thought you'd be a lot farther ahead by now.

It's NOT your fault, Jay Hubbard... And here's why.


Let's agree on one thing - wealthy millionaires and famous actors are amongst the most abundant individuals on the planet.

By their own right, these different groups of individuals have ALL achieved the heavily coveted "abundance"... Whether it's money, fame, happiness... They've nailed it!

But how...?

...Is it SHEER LUCK that has brought these fortunate individuals to encounter such marvellous rewards?

...Is it THE LAW OF ATTRACTION that has helped them manifest their deepest desires?

...Is there some HIDDEN SECRET that they're deliberately keeping to themselves, while they watch the rest of us struggle?

Now, here's the hard truth.


Some way, some how, perhaps by chance or destiny, they've all "stumbled" upon a silent, secret "resistor" LURKING within themselves. A quiet killer of abundance.

A secret that's literally STOPPING ALMOST EVERYONE from maximizing their true potential... From creating the life of their desires.


Feeling skeptical? Uncertain...? Confused...?

In just a moment, I'm going to share with you this secret hidden, silent killer of YOUR abundance. The very same "resistor" that abundant individuals have somehow conquered to transform their lives...


Every individual across the face of the planet, whether you're a caregiver, a plumber, or Tom Cruise - every individual faces adversity... Resistance that holds them back from being successful.

Resistance that stems from the conscious mind's natural sense of "BALANCE".

Analytical psychologists and individuation practitioners like to call it "homeostasis".


Homeostasis is the true resistance of change. It is the brain's warning system that you're stepping into a realm of discomfort, and it wants to retract you back, hold you back into a state of familiarity.

That's why no matter how hard you try, no matter what you do differently...

You're always finding yourself running around in circles, expending all your energy, only to find yourself back at SQUARE ONE.

It's like a part of your brain wants to transform. It wants to undergo a breakthrough, but at the same time it's holding itself back!

Think of it as the mind's self-regulating thermostat that keeps your mind in a "lukewarm" state.

The worst part? All these internal battles take place unbeknownst to you, because it happens in your subconscious mind.

So, until you learn to consciously correct your mind's self-regulating thermostat... Your energy, happiness, abundance will constantly remain in this "lukewarm" state.

Now, in order to correct homeostasis, we have to first understand how it works

Homeostasis is triggered by a little almond-shaped part of your brain called the amygdala. The little part that's responsible for the response and memory of fear.

So whether you're trying to manifest your desires, correct your behaviours, seize a new opportunity, undergo a journey of self discovery...

...Your amygdala WILL sense discomfort, sound the alarm, and force you into a state of homeostasis by creating paralyzing friction between YOUR CURRENT SELF, and WHO YOU'RE TRYING TO BECOME.

Your amygdala is the obstacle standing between you, and immense growth. Good change, bad change, or even pointless change - your amygdala will prevent you from breaking out.

...Talk about being imprisoned by your own mind!

But if there's ONE THING that we HAVE LEARNED from millionaires, actors, and abundant individuals, it's this.

"Breaking away from our amygdalas is ENTIRELY possible."

People from all over the world, from vastly different backgrounds, facing incredulous circumstances, have shown us time and time again that breaking through homeostasis CAN BE DONE.

And I'm going to reveal exactly how you can leverage on your archetype to conquer your mind's natural resistor - your amygdala.


I'll break it down for you.

Your archetype, the caregiver, is your gateway to YOUR complete transformation.

There is a palpable reason why psychologists have referred to archetypes as "the fundamental of the human mind".

Archetypes reside in the unconscious, silently influencing EVERYTHING we do - our behaviours and thoughts, without us even REALIZING IT.

...Which is why you were not aware of your archetype, your amygdala, and homeostasis... Until right now.

But awareness is merely the beginning!

See, most people would try to tackle their amygdalas head-on with brute force, thinking "if I tell myself not to be afraid, then I won't be afraid". Simple enough, right?

Big mistake.

Unfortunately, it does not work that way. If it did, there would be FAR MORE millionaires, actors, and abundant individuals! Don't believe me? Here, I'll explain.

Think of tackling your mind's natural resistor as the infamous Chinese finger trap. No matter how hard you try, how much force you use, the Chinese finger trap isn't going to release... Why? Well, because that's precisely what it's designed to do - resist!

Forcing your fingers apart creates more friction. It clamps down even tighter, making your release nearly IMPOSSIBLE.

If you've ever toyed with one of these strange thingamajigs, you would know that the only solution to make it release is the EXACT OPPOSITE of your natural instincts.

See, you cannot just pull your fingers apart...

You have to push your fingers together, releasing the trap's traction, and then smoothly slip your fingers away.

Think of the finger trap as the "amygdala". Think of the resistance and friction between the trap and your fingers as "homeostasis".

And think of your two fingers as your subconscious mind, and the unconscious...

Yes, now you see.

Archetypal integration aligns your subconscious mind to the unconscious, opening the gateway of infinite possibilities.

It's what guides your consciousness from a state of homeostasis, to a state of transformation.

And that's exactly when you'll start to witness all your limiting beliefs dissolve, your energy blocks released, and your consciousness shift.

Your very own holistic transformation - gifting you the purpose and direction to reach your destiny of fulfilled desires.


Over the years, we have created a remarkable system that guides individuals through a self-discovery process like no other...

...Restoring flair, passion and purpose to the lost and directionless.

...Returning confidence and certainty to the insecure and undecided.

A "strange" transformation method that will reveal to you a complete and epiphanic understanding of who you are, who you have the potential to become, and what's stopping you from living a life of abundance, happiness, and love. 


See, each of the archetype's amygdalas, each individual has a different "response" to change and transformation, making it absolutely necessary to develop a process that's not only powerful, but also effective through personalized guidance and information.

...Which means, Jay Hubbard, as a caregiver archetype, the exact archetypal integration steps, methods and exercises have all been personalized to YOUR archetype. 


It's part of an "archetypal experiment" to see how different archetypes react to unique opportunities - will some of them seize such precious opportunities without a second breath...? Which archetype's amygdalas will create enough resistance to stop them from receiving something good into their lives... Will skepticism simply get the better of them?

The more we learn about you from these little anonymous "archetypal experiments", the better we can improve our products, content, and programs to better serve you.

...  spread the good news of archetypes, Individuation, and Archetypal Integration to your friends and family around you, so they too can rise above their amygdalas. So that they too can have that fighting chance to "step out" of homeostasis.

On their report on 'the general Caregiver archetype,' they say


The Caregiver Archetype is a compassionate altruist whose selflessness comes unparalleled. They're always willing to help the people around them, be it friends, strangers, or sometimes even foes. Their generosity inspires everyone around them and fills receivers with an immense amount of gratitude.

The Caregiver archetype, unfortunately, is often prone to persecution for their giving and sympathetic nature. More often than not, they're taken advantage of by wicked hearts and the selfishness of those around them.

Generally, the caregiver acts as an innate guide when it comes to raising children. When a caregiver enters the age of parenthood, he or she evolves into a new state that's centered around nurturing and protecting their offspring. Caregiver archetypes are also known to administer aid and lend a helping hand to those in need. Their donations and sacrifices come from the purest depths of their hearts.

Because of their self-sacrificial nature, they're always ready to seek help for others before seeking help for themselves. One of the drawbacks of this particular trait is that it frequently puts them at risk of being harmed themselves. Another shortcoming is that a significant portion of their purpose in life is to live for others.

This prevents them from going after what they want, chasing their dreams, and achieving the success that they desire. Conversely, majority of caregivers only ever dream of making others happy and leaving the world better than when they first saw it.

  • Caregivers are filled with compassion.
  • Caregivers are often identified for their selfless actions of taking care of those around them.
  • Caregivers feel utter joy from giving love and receiving love.
  • Caregivers are almost always the first person that their friends contact if they run into trouble.
  • Caregivers prefer to be in natural, warm and sunny environments.
  • Caregivers enjoy adventures such as road trips and camping trips.
  • Caregivers care less about the activities and more about the company.
  • Caregivers live simply and humbly.

Mark of a caregiver

Originally known as the Mother, the Caregiver is a person who looks after other people. This person will freely and readily sacrifice their heart and all of their energies to assist the hero in completing their mission. The Caregiver, who is quick to forgive and encourage characters who have been under a lot of stress, provides a pleasant break in the form of companionship, care services, or compassion to characters who have been through a lot. A presence of a Caregiver, or even the remembrance of that Caregiver, can sometimes prevent those who would otherwise quit from doing so. Because the world isn't all horrible, and their love, at the very least, is a given.

The Caretaker is an archetype that is motivated and fulfilled by taking care of others. They are also known as the altruist, saint, helper, and parent. Compassion and a real desire to serve others through charity or devoted aid motivate the Caregiver.

The Caregiver, as a calm character, seeks to protect himself and others he cares about. He is driven by goals that benefit others rather than himself, and he is susceptible to martyrdom as a result of his need to meet everyone else's demands above his own.

Although the Caregiver's intentions are usually kind, she might occasionally enable undesirable or inferior behavior in those she looks for. Furthermore, while selfishness is her biggest concern, in others or in herself. The Caregiver can become bitter if she uses up too much energy on those who take advantage of her generosity, often demanding acknowledgment of her "sacrifices" and guilt-tripping those who aren't quick to give her compliments.


Caregivers will never stand for selfishness. This applies to both others and themselves. They're completely aware of how detrimental a single act of selfishness can be, which is where their fear of what selfishness can turn them into lies.

They have an incessant need to express love, and an often equally incessant need to be loved and accepted. Their desire to be loved forces them to encounter difficulty when it comes to rejecting people. They'll put all of their negativities aside and do what they do best; provide help. Unfortunately, saying “yes” to everything is an unhealthy habit that needs to be broken.


The Caregiver archetype needs to learn to help only when it's necessary. Offering a helping hand too often and too freely requires a hefty amount of their resources and energy; energy which can be put into helping people who are in greater need.

Caregivers should also learn how they can allocate more time for themselves and their own personal goals for self-development and self-growth. Caregivers have to spend some time on their own figuring out what truly makes them happy in order to counter their weaknesses.


It's absolutely vital for caregivers to bear in mind that their giving nature prevents them for pursuing monetary riches. In fact, caregivers in general don't usually feel satisfaction from attaining material riches. Instead, what truly gives them joy is helping people around them. It's often through giving that they experience a sense of achievement.

However, that doesn't necessarily mean that all caregivers will never be financially free. Caregivers can leverage on their giving nature to expand their networks, which is arguably one of the most vital components when it comes to discovering success. There are always endless opportunities for caregivers to showcase their talents in management. Their innate people skills puts them at a strong advantage over their peers.

Caregivers shine the brightest during one-to-one interactions, which can primarily be attributed to their magnetic personalities and their ability to form close interpersonal connections with friends and strangers. It's highly important for a caregiver archetype to not just form strong networks, but to seize the opportunities that come with them. After all, success comes from acting and not simply thinking.


Caregivers shower those around them with so much love that they often neglect themselves. It's no wonder that caregivers often fall ill or experience constant fatigue. The pains, pressures and burdens of their loved ones are always being shared with them.

They refuse to show it, but being a guardian angel is certainly a taxing affair. Caregivers need to set time aside to take care of themselves and look after their own needs. Whether its spending time exercising, meditating, or simply taking a nap, caregivers need to regard such activities as higher priorities.

Spreading love to everyone around you is undoubtedly noble, but caregivers need to show some love to themselves as well.


Finding a partner can be a daunting task for the caregiver archetype. The entire premise of a romantic relationship revolves around giving and receiving. While caregivers might find no issue with the former, the true challenge lies in the latter – receiving. A true-blue caregiver needs to learn to take just as much as he or she gives. Giving without receiving can create a hefty imbalance in the relationship.

It's necessary for a caregiver archetype to choose his or her romantic partner with caution. If caution is not practiced, the caregiver might end up with someone who might take their giving heart for granted. One of the most suitable partners for caregivers are usually close friends who they’ve known for years; someone who exhibits chemistry and comfort. As unlikely as it sounds, taking an existing friendship to the next level might not the worst idea in the world.

Caregivers might find themselves more attracted to people who actually like being taken care of and want to be taken care of. However, caregivers need to be aware that the patterns of such individuals often paint a much more complex picture. It's likely that such people might not harbor the faithfulness and loyalty that’s needed to build a long-lasting relationship. Instead, they tend to prefer being taken care of by more than just one single individual, which can lead to infidetlity.


The reality of everyday existence is often depicted by caregiver businesses. They aren't afraid of the truth and, in fact, want to bring attention to the world's problems. These people appeal to the consumer's sentimental impulses, family affection, and desire for security. Moving music, photos of families, and a focus on providing and community will most likely be used in marketing initiatives.

To preserve order, the work culture of a caregiver brand will be extremely structured. These companies are known for treating their employees well and going far beyond what is asked of them. Caregivers place a strong focus on customer service, and personnel is likely to be urged to go above and beyond to ensure that customers are well taken care of.


Every one of the 12 archetypes has three levels of intensity that can be expressed in a scaled ranking. Level one is the least developed, while level three is the most advanced.

Level 1:

The caregiver archetype manifests itself through assisting and caring for others.

Level 2:

The caregiver is concentrating on making changes in their lives so that they can adequately care for themselves while also developing into a more visible servant position for others.

Level 3:

The caregiver thinks past themselves and engages in truly selfless conduct to benefit others.


You'll see that when you observe healthcare, insurance, and financial management businesses, and even nonprofit charitable groups, the Caregiver is actually all around you. Cleaning, repairing clothes, gardening, and general upkeep are all chores that call on the Caregiver's nurturing instincts.

Organizations that do these activities on a broad scale can benefit from the Caregiver archetype. Automobile brands that prioritize vehicle safety may be able to effectively represent the Caregiver mentality. After all, no father would ever consider allowing his teen to drive a dangerous vehicle!

Caregiver brands' marketing tactics will be largely focused on giving beneficial experiences and fostering relationships. Sentimentality, joyful recollections, the comforts of family and home, and sentiments of security and safety are all common themes in marketing. Neutral shade palettes, family pictures, and moving music may be used in visuals or multimedia.

Essentially, a Caregiver organization will cultivate a relationship culture and will be extremely hierarchical or administrative. Personnel in caregiver organizations are generally well treated; nevertheless, if the culture is unhealthy, there is a risk of employee burnout owing to the level of sacrifice asked of them.

The well-functioning Caretaker company provides excellent service to both employees and customers, seeking to anticipate requirements and going above and beyond to meet them. In fact, the Caregiver brand is known for its outstanding customer service. They simply do good deeds for others.



The Caregiver is a nice person who is sympathetic, sensitive, and has selfless care for others. In a crisis, this sub-archetype stays calm and positive. Its problem is that it is unable to say no, constantly offering to help even if it is harmful to itself.


The Guardian is a zealous protector and defender of others. They prefer to stick to traditions and values while providing compassionate counsel and loving observation. The Guardian's greatest challenge is the risk of becoming overbearing or abusing their power.


In his endeavor to “love thy neighbor”, the Samaritan is unselfish and caring. This sub-archetype exemplifies caring behavior. It seeks purpose in alleviating the suffering of others. If the Samaritan is not careful, he may face the danger of self-martyrdom.


The Healer, who is sensitive, operates as a conduit to completeness by establishing ideal conditions for healing to occur organically. This sub-archetype maintains faith while being observant of others' feelings, thanks to healthy amounts of optimism and empathy. Consequently, the Healer can succumb to ego if he or she believes they have the only correct response.


The Angel sub-archetype radiates innocence and humility. With boundless compassion, they bring joy and laughter while also providing assistance and solace. As the title suggests, the Angel can assist others in making positive changes in their life, including spiritual connection and marvels. The challenge for the Angel is to maintain an unrealistic view, disregarding everything unpleasant to focus solely on the good.
