#ProofOfWork (#Cryptocurrency) ... #SHA256, #Preserving Transaction-Security by the Sweat of the Crypto-Miner's #Brow (or their #Browser, eh?) | @theBibleHub #Genesis3Nineteen

Like "DTN STAFF" at the CryptoCoins infoclub, I too have kinda wondered "What has 'solving a math-puzzle with a program on my computer' got to do with 'securing a credit-transaction'?"

I'll 'log my search' below, but the name of the answer is Proof of Work---again, you don't have to "understand" it ... it's a lot like 'the Grace of ה (EL ... a.k.a. Yahweh, God): you don't have to 'know why you deserve it,' you just-follow the simple instructions & -trust the prosperity to flow!

I have a FREE program that 'solves the math-puzzles and wins "gas-fees" while I "do whatever" on my computer,' and the bold links below can give YOU a program that does the same (for free); but first I want to understand those words' roots better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word |Brow| (a base of the word "Front," which is a base of the word "Proof") is built on ancient words that mean Eyebrow, Eyelash (which are also the foundations of words that mean Edge & "|Slope of a |Steep Place" & |Twinkling, Blinker). #Eyebrow #Highbrow #Lowbrow #Middlebrow #Browbeat 

I remember Genesis, where Our Father curses Brother Adam to "live by the sweat of his 'brow' (the KJV-translation of the word translated 'face' in YLT)." That ancient Hebrew word is also translated (in different contexts)  Before, Breath, |Countenance, Double, Face, |Forbearance, Ground, Nose, |Nostril, Quick-|Tempered, Snout, |Wrath with Anger

hmm ... what about 'by the sweat of my #BROWser?'

|Browser| is built on ancient words that mean "to Swell, |Sprout (like the Buds, Shoots, |Twigs & |Leaves that deer would feed on as they #Browsed the foliage ... same base as Breast). #Browsing

The word |Preserving| (a base of the word "Guard," which is a base of "Lord," which is a base of "Power," which is a base of "Might," which is a base of "Fortification," which is a base of "Work" ... and also the verb-form of a noun that means "Fruit Kept Fresh in Sugar" and "a Place where certain Animals are Protected (a sense better-covered by |Conserve)) is built on ancient words that mean "to keep Safe Before impending harm." #Preserve #Preserved #Preserver #Preservation #Preserves


My search for that answer took me past:
  • https://nowpayments.io/blog/the-basics-of-crypto-transactions (where I found the picture)
  • https://www.blockchain.com/explorer (when I was looking for something along the lines of a Ledger)
  • https://blog.bitstamp.net/post/what-is-blockchain/ (with some of the mythology on Satoshi Nakamoto)
  • https://cryptocoinsinfoclub.com/bitcoin/bitcoin-puzzle-example (an 'info-listing' that led me to 
    • https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=122011.0 with a basic explanation of how Crypto-miners work - it's almost the way comedian Bill Maher described it: there's a big number on the blockchain, the Crypto-miners (programs on the computers of CryptoCurrency 'investors') keep guessing at the number until-one of them gets it and -a majority of the other miners get the same number, and that (somehow) validates the transaction.
  • https://applicature.com/blog/blockchain-technology/blockchain-code-examples (examples of such blockchains)
