@Vihartvihart brings Meaning to #Cake | #Fruitcake #Fruit #fruitful #fruitless #fruity #grapefruit #starfruit #tuttifrutti #Fruitsalad #fruitcocktail #fruitbat #Caked

A video of that fulfillment is linked through 'the main word' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Cake” is built on ancient words related to other ancient words that mean "Gingerbread, Dumpling, a Tart." #TakeTheCake #PieceOfCake #LetThemEatCake (Marie Antoinette, as told in Rousseau's "Confessions") #Caking #Cakes #Cakewalk #Cheesecake #Cupcake #Fruitcake #Pancake #SeedCake #Shortcake #SpiceCake #Yellowcake

and--since I mentioned 'Fruit-cake" here--'Fruit' is below linked to my "Pick Your Plate"-post.

The word "Fruit" is built on ancient words that mean "to Enjoy" (the sense of Profit (preserved in #FruitOfMyLabor or #FruitOfYourLabor) comes from when 'Fruit' was the name for ALL Products of the |Soil). 

Meaning "offspring, progeny, child" is from mid-13c.; that of "any consequence, outcome, or result" is from late 14c. Meaning "odd person, eccentric" is from 1910; that of "male homosexual" is from 1935, underworld slang. The term also is noted in 1931 as tramp slang for "a girl or woman willing to oblige," probably from the fact of being "easy picking."
