Variations on #Dumplings | @TheDailyMeal

A fellow forum-member posted about the Chicken Dumplings (called #DimSum) they'd prepared, and I commented on how the DimSum reminded me of #Ravioli, the famous Hot Pockets, the Chicken- or Beef- or Pork-#PotPie, and Pizza Hut's #Calzone they call the P`Zone.

'Those words' (below-hyperlinked to the forum) are built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “|Dumplings|” (the Wrapping in which something is |Boiled, a |Mass of Boiled |Paste) might be built on ancient words that mean |Lump. 
The food-name “|Dim Sum|” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Touch the |Heart (the word for 'Touch' coming from the word for Dot)." 
The word “|Ravioli|” is built on ancient words that mean ... |Turnip? (the search on Etymonline also brought up #Pierogi (the Polish Ravioli) whose name is built on either |Pie or "to Feast, |Drink"). 
The “|Hot Pockets|” (Hot + #Pockets ... originally called Chunk Stuffers) are 'the frozen-foods form of the Calzone.'
The word "|Calzone|" is built on ancient words that mean |Trouser-|Leg (named for its resemblance.) 
A “|Chicken-, Beef- or Pork Pot Pie|” obviously 'a Pie–filled with #Chicken, -#Beef or -#Pork (or other #Meat)–served in its Pot.' 
The word "|Chicken|" is built on ancient words that are Imitative/Echoic of the Farms' Bird (see |Cock). 
The word "|Beef|" is built on ancient words that mean |Ox, |Bull, |Cow; or the slang for |Complaint, Argument (possibly from soldiers' frequent reaction to common deficiency in military beef-rations). 
#Beefy or the archaic #Beeves 
The word "|Pork|" is built on ancient words that mean "a |Young Pig" (particularly a #Porker—a |Young |Hog specifically Fattened for Food ... which is why |Fat People are often called #Porkers). 
#Pork #Porky
The word "|Meat|" is built on ancient words that mean Moist, |Wet (with notes of reference to Food ... also foundation-words for |Fat, Pig, |Mast). 
#Meaty #Meatloaf 
The word "|Pocket|" is built on ancient words that mean "a Poke (as in #PigInAPoke ... a kind of Bag, Small Sack, |Pouch)
