Growers #SupportJournalism when they Grow their #Pot in #Pots from @SmartPots @issuu @DictionaryCom

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Smart Pots supports journalism in the December 2 Oklahoma Gazette:

'Pot' (below-hyperlinked to Smart Pots' website) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Pot” is built on uncertain words beneath others that mean |Vessel, Container, |Mortar—maybe "Drinking |Cup" (or maybe something related to "Large Sum of Money |Staked on a |Bet").
The 'marijuana'-meaning is an abbreviation of the Mexican Spanish for Marijuanapotiguaya or potacion de guaya ... literally the Drink of Grief

Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
