If I'm Not Doing this 'For Money,' What am I Doing it #For? | @Wikipedia #For- #ForGodSoLovedTheWorld #FreeForAll #AllForOneAndOneForAll #AllForLove #ForKeeps #ForFun #ForYourOwnGood
I'll hyperlink 'that word' below to a page where I list (and maybe-discuss) a few of the reasons I'm blogging (many of which I mention in the title-line); but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)
The word “For” is built on ancient words that mean “In Front of, |Against, Before, |Near, |Toward.” #ForTheGloryOfLove
Like most communications-technology, blogs (and V-logs ... yes, they're also called "vlogs"; but that looks too much like 'an Indo-European word' for me to risk "turning it into an Americanism" just yet) were originally started as ... I'm not sure, but I suppose they were part of the U.S. military's ARPANET; and became a peacetime hobby for nerds like me.
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tho it may not be speech, "Money Talks" |
Anyway; like with the many other 'communication-methods allowing people to share their performances on "The Cloud" (a more current name for what people used to call "The Net" or "The Network" or "The Wire" or "The Air/Airwaves" or "The News/Press/Paper (a little before my time, but people would ask Have you seen The Latest Press? or Have you seen The News?)"), broadcasting performers learned that people would pay them to mention people's products before/after (and at intermissions in) their performances.
That's the direction that bloggers and webmasters are clearly being dragged-in; I see when I look at a traffic-exchange's auto-surf.
See, I always thought of blogs as 'a way to get my writing read by a large audience.' Looking for a way to SEND my blog to a large audience (or 'to send a large audience to my blog'), I was led to traffic-exchanges---websites where--if you open a large number of other members' websites--other members will open your website in-return.
But a majority of the websites you see on exchanges are not the kind of information I would hope to share with you! They're 'offers to send-in money in exchange for the opportunity to ask others to send-in money (for the opportunity to ask others to send-in money, for the opportunity to ask others ...).' 😡
Sure, you need 'money' to amass all the tools necessary to broadcast your performance (and to live the life you like when you're not busy broadcasting); but ... where do you think money comes from?
I might need to review that myself! I was raised believing that money came from 'having a job' (where the worker "goes to make money"). Researching a little, I find out that 'that money' comes from the employer---taken from 'money that the employer has made before' or (generally the source of all that money as well) 'a loan from the bank.'
And 'a loan from the bank' is little more than 'the bank-worker "writing" that money into existence'---oh, the bank usually-has savings that will cover the loan and -keeps the employers' property as collateral (until the employer can repay the loan); but the money is--at its base--little more than 'faith that the loan-taker can repay the loan.'
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