Think about #Hawkeye - No Apparent 'Super-Powers' except #Eye-Strength/-Practice @Marvel @KJVambassador
'That word' (below-hyperlinked to my list of the characters of MARVEL's Avengers) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “Eye” is built ("irregularly") on ancient words that mean "to See" (one of the first English uses is in Shakespeare's Hamlet, when the prince tells Horatio he sees his father 'in his Mind's Eye' ...
(also refers to the |Sprouts of Potatoes, the |Spot atop a Peacock-Feather, the |Loop that Holds a Hook in Fastening (Clothes etc.), the little |Hole atop a Needle (reminding me how Lord Jesus referred to a famous city's gate as 'The Eye of the Needle"), the Center of any Rotating thing (Tornado, Hurricane, Whirlpool etc.),
#Eyeball #Eyed #CrossEyed #EyeCandy #EyeCatching #EyeDrop #EyeLiner #EyeOpening #EyePiece #InTheWindsEye #SeeEyeToEye (Isaiah 3:8) #EyeContact #HaveAnEyeOn #KeepAnEyeOn #HaveEyesFor #MakeEyesAt #GleamInHisEye #EyeBiter #BrightEyed #OpenEyed #Eyed #Eyeing
Re-re-(ad inf.)-rewatching MARVEL's THE AVENGERS...
... we are introduced to Hawkeye (Clint Barton), an established Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who ... well, I'm still organizing all the information about him (i.e. I'm not exactly "a source" on this; and even after I am 'a source on Hawkeye,' I'll still be hyperlinking to more-valid sources).
As I can recall from MARVEL's THE AVENGERS (recollection that is 'the reason for the page of "SPOILER ALERT"'), he's an exceptionally accurate archery-marksman with hand-to-hand combat skill who--we find out when Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) captures him and "renders cognitive adjustment" to break Loki's enchantment & gets him back on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s team--was the agent instrumental in turning Black Widow from an enemy-spy into a valuable ally.
So-far (in my research), MARVEL seems to 'forget about Clint' between Avengers (Part One) & Avengers: Civil War, where they reveal that he's been living-out his 'secret identity' (Clint Barton, I presume) and has a wife who's pregnant with the next of his children.
Oh, I almost forgot! Hawkeye had a passing encounter with Thor (when Thor's hammer landed on Earth & Hawkeye had to watch over it until they were sure Thor wouldn't be a problem). ... and there was a conflict with Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff), forcing Hawkeye to use the Regeneration Cradle to return to the struggle.
At about the time that The Avengers were meeting his wife & children, Hawkeye (rather than assassinate them) made another moral decision* when he managed to turn Quicksilver & twin-sister Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) into allies.
After that, Hawkeye retired from the Avengers & lives on a homestead that Nick Fury secured for him.
Clint Barton’s whereabouts and status following Thanos’ elimination of half of the Universe’s population is unknown at this time.

it's uncertain whether Hawkeye still had to come back or if Captain America managed to
loophole him out of the part he played bringing the Soul Stone from Vormir
after ending his tenure as Ronin ...
*the first 'moral decision' being when he was sent to assassinate
Black Widow, and instead turned her into an ally.
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