Saw the Whole First Season of @Wandavision - This Post Might Need a #SPOILERwarning, but you need to know that there IS a Secret! (a connection to @KevFeige's @Marvel-Multiverse)

Because the first two-or-three episodes of WandaVision barely hint at the over-arching MARVEL multiverse.

My first reaction is linked through 'the main words' below---the name #Wanda #Maximoff; but I feel it's more important to understand those words better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The name “Wanda” is built on ancient words that mean |Wend (one of the |Slavic people of |Eastern Germany ... introduced to English by Ouida's novel about the daughter of legendary King |Krak). #Vonda #LaWanda 
The name “Maximoff” is a variant transcription of #Maksimov, built on ancient words that mean " |Heir of #Maksim." "Maksim" (or #Maksym ... Ukrainian Максим) is a form of the name #Maximus. "Maximus" is built on ancient words that mean Greatest. #Maxima #Max

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And this a little 'speculation' that's inspired ... tho it is just guessing, it's based on 'The Spoiler' here; so ...

The main 'spoiler': Wandavision is 'a false reality in which Wanda Maximoff has all the residents of a town/district trapped.' 

a bit of an UN-spoiler: 'Wanda might be just as "trapped" as all the other residents of the town (kinda like "in a dream she can't wake up from").'

And the speculation: She'll be saved by the Faith of Monica Rambeaux!
