The Most Help I Can Give to #VIPKid-Students @TheVIPKIDLife (Teaching #English to China's Students One-on-One Online) - #England

A fellow Brain-Injury survivor shared an opportunity (linked through 'the main words' below) to make a little money teaching English online.

And I'm very interested, yes; but I'm not "qualified." ☹ 

The word “English/England” is built on ancient words that mean “|Land- & |Speech of the people who live on the area of the |Jutland Coast that's |Angled (like a Fish-|Hook).”
The surname "England" might also be built on words that mean "|Meadow |Land." 

... But I'm still searching—You know anything about how this word developed into 'meaning something different from the meanings traced above'? Comment below!

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