Redeeming the Good Name of Currency by Doing #Crypto RIGHT @CTPtalk | @CryptoTabNET

On another post I've started (but haven't gotten around to finishing), I embed a video of Bill Maher explaining how 'what cryptocurrency calls "Mining"' is no such thing.

But ClickTrackProfit ... their business (which you can join at the site linked through the infographic beneath) transfers the currency RIGHT!

A post (about such infographics) is linked through 'the main word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The prefix “Crypto-” is built on ancient words that mean Hidden, Concealed, Secret (Crypt ... the prefix was added to so many Secret Philosophies & -Religions (#CryptoCommunism #CryptoFascism #CryptoChristianity #CryptoJudaism) that the word "Crypto" came to mean "one who Conceals a Political Adherence").

#CryptoCurrency #Cryptarchy #Cryptogram #Cryptograph #Cryptology #Cryptonym

