#ReDoublingYourEfforts (okay, #RedoublingMYefforts) here: #Digesting the Faith-Words, #Refusing the #Refuse, #Keeping the Truth (like the Body #Keeps Vitamins) | @RationalWiki @CopelandNetwork @Britannica @PowerThesaurus

A thought-or-to came to mind this morning ... thoughts I'll discuss 'below the Subscribe-bar'; but first ...

What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "those hash-tagged words" (below hyperlinked to a description of the human flaw that Evangelists exploit to keep their flocks peaceful) into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Digesting #Digest #Digested #Digestion #Digests #Digestible #Digestive” is built on ancient words that mean to Carry |Apart (originally the name of Justinian's Law-Codes in Ancient Rome). 
The word “Refuse #Refused #Refusal #Refuses” is built on ancient words that mean to Pour Back
The word “Keeping #Kept #Keeper #Keepsake #Keepable #KeepAway #FindersKeepers” is built on ancient words that mean to Look, Watch out for, 'Keep' an Eye on. 
The phrase “Redouble My Efforts” has a lot of synonymic phrases (with the first use that comes to my mind being 'the Commander's reply to Darth Vader, regarding construction-work on the original Death Star' 😝), with #Double ( #Doubling #Doubled #Doubler #Doubles) being built on ancient words that mean Two More (-|plus).

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The thought that came to mind first: Just because a belief 'makes you feel good' doesn't mean it's true. That's a danger of positive thinking ... you tell yourself 'you can do something' enough times, & you'll fool your body into thinking you should do it (the way lots of guys over-do-it when they convince themselves that 'girls aren't scary').

A second thought that came along with the first: That's why I don't trust Christian-songs-with-words---you repeat-&-repeat the lyrics enough times, and your brain thinks 'they must be true' (especially if they're fun-to-remember & lots of people repeat them with you and etc.) ... kinda the way your body gets fooled into eating too many unheathy things because they taste 'good' (thus sending signals to your brain that fool it into thinking you ought to have MORE of the unhealthy thing).

That's why I need to 'Redouble my efforts' here!---because the half-truths (of The Bible, of popular church-hymns, etc.) are bound to convince you that you should be thinking more of The Prosperity Evangelism and not the Doom-&-Gloom.
(how The Bible justifies its silver-tongued missionaries)
I'll start here. With a letter from an annual church-camp I go to (to spend time with fellow TBI-survivors)--a letter they sent because we weren't able to meet this year (immunity travel-restrictions)--and they sent it along with a KENNETH COPELAND MINISTRIES "YOUR FAITH PACK"; which is basically a small stack of cards with 'crucial' Scriptures written on them.

The Faith-Packs offer no explanation (just a list of 'ways to get their free catalog sent to you' and a list of their World-Offices' locations). So I imagine those Scriptures just tell you 'what you need to keep imagining while reality sorts itself out for you' (or whatever they tell you "Big Money from Religion" makes happen), and so they feel that--if we just keep 'pigging-out on those sweet words'--we'll just naturally advance to perfection (or something).

And it's kinda true; but not without digestion. Here, I'll start to tell what digestion of this Scripture actually brings you (The Word's "vitamins," digested out of all your languages' sugary accessories:
    first, just a list of the 'menu' (a lot like the 'list of references' Brother Kenneth includes at the end of every Partner-Letter ... and I'll hyperlink every listing to 'a digest of the "vitamins" it gives you):
  • Psalm 103
  • Psalm 23
  • Psalm 91
  • Colossians 1:9-11
  • First Thessalonians 5:23
  • Zechariah 9:11-12
  • Ephesians 1:16-23
  • Ephesians 3:14-20
  • Isaiah 54
