#Two Levels of Christianity: Social/Elementary, and Personal/'Graduate' (which Understands that Elementary-Believers NEED 'the Truth that's not quite True,' but Knows Better) @STRtweets #Twenty #Twofold #TwoFaced
WARNING: If you believe that "every word in The Bible is historically accurate, literal-not-figurative, verified-witness testimony"; you might not want to read the following, which might 'take a sledgehammer to the load-bearing pillars of your mind-temple.'
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I don't know ... I see it all over the place (Charles Capps' series Concepts of Faith, Copeland Ministries' Believer's Voice of Victory magazine & -broadcasts, 'sheeple' on Facebook & -Twitter-etc., people 'giving glory to God' at group gatherings (back in the good-ol`-days before COVID-19 đź‘Ş), etc.):
People claiming God healed them of disease or God gave them financial security or God did any number of other things that,
The way these Believers generally 'get what they're praying for': in most cases, it's by "seeing the godly nature of fellow Believers" (e.g. the true source of Copeland Ministries' wealth, the advice from 'the true professionals of medicine' (not 'the money-launderers of Health-Care')) ...
But she realized that the current human condition (the one God went-through (as Jesus) to give us a good example of how it's done) is such that ... I'm calling it 'Grade Two' of Christianity: You grow up being taught that God is some 'Magic Genie in the Sky' who loves you enough to grant your wishes if you devote yourself to the ways of the Messengers he's sent in the ancient past.
Then you graduate into Grade Two: Past The Bible? Sort-of; you know some basic truths of The Bible, but you know that that book is not where 'The Word of God' lives.
More about that later; first, 'That word' (below-hyperlinked to another discussion on Christian Reality vs. -Fantasy) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
I don't know ... I see it all over the place (Charles Capps' series Concepts of Faith, Copeland Ministries' Believer's Voice of Victory magazine & -broadcasts, 'sheeple' on Facebook & -Twitter-etc., people 'giving glory to God' at group gatherings (back in the good-ol`-days before COVID-19 đź‘Ş), etc.):

God Did Not Do!
The way these Believers generally 'get what they're praying for': in most cases, it's by "seeing the godly nature of fellow Believers" (e.g. the true source of Copeland Ministries' wealth, the advice from 'the true professionals of medicine' (not 'the money-launderers of Health-Care')) ...
An old story I heard (right 'in the face' of Mrs. Capps
"Thanking God for her miraculous health," making
her seem like a hypocrite and/or -making me seem
like one here):
There was a man who lived in the area of an oncoming flood, and he prayed that God would save him. Another man drove up in a boat and offered to take the first man to safety, but the first man was "faithful" and said "No, thanks. God's gonna save me!
"The boatman left, and another man came in a helicopter & offered to fly the first man to safety. And again, the first man replied, "No, thanks. God's gonna save me!"
Then the flood finally killed the man. He got up to Heaven and asked God, "Why didn't you save me when I prayed for you to—I gave you all the glory & prayed 'in Jesus' holy & precious name,' but you didn't come through!"
"How dare you falsely accuse Me of breaking our contract!" God replied to him. "I sent you two rescuers, salvations whom you refused!"The lady who retold that story–Charles Capps' wife–tells us that she remembered this story when she was in the hospital, the doctors offered her a kidney transplant, and she was tempted to reply, "No, thanks. God's gonna give me a new kidney!"
But she realized that the current human condition (the one God went-through (as Jesus) to give us a good example of how it's done) is such that ... I'm calling it 'Grade Two' of Christianity: You grow up being taught that God is some 'Magic Genie in the Sky' who loves you enough to grant your wishes if you devote yourself to the ways of the Messengers he's sent in the ancient past.
Then you graduate into Grade Two: Past The Bible? Sort-of; you know some basic truths of The Bible, but you know that that book is not where 'The Word of God' lives.
More about that later; first, 'That word' (below-hyperlinked to another discussion on Christian Reality vs. -Fantasy) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “Two” is built on ancient words which also serve as the Bedrock of words that mean "Balance, Between, |Betwixt, Bi-, |Binary, Biscuit, |Combination, |Deuce, Deuteronomy, |Di- (|Double, |Twice), |Dia-, |Dichotomy, |Diode, |Diphthong, Diploma, Diplomacy, Diplomat, |Doublet, |Doubloon, Doubt, |Dozen, |Dual, |Dubious, |Duet, |Duo, |Duplex, Duplicate, Duplicity, |Dyad, |Pinochle, |Twelve, Twelfth, Twen|ty, |Twig, |Twilight, Twin, |Twine, Twist" (|Twain). #Twice
'The glory which people falsely give to God' that I mentioned first (above) is 'healing' (specifically that which seems to come "of its own accord, without the aid of any 'worldly' medicine"). There is some truth to that glory-giving (partial truth ... satan's secret weapon), but there's a 'worldly' truth that protects it from "the lie that satan warps it into."
The Truth: God created 'Evolution' (or–specifically–mutation/adaptation: "the modification of the life-form into a random configuration that might possibly work better in a given environment, giving the created being a better system through natural selection & reproduction"). Evolution gave us bodies that heal themselves—systems that 'reset to optimal settings by-default.'
Satan interrupts between 'the partial truth' (that God heals us) and 'the full truth' (that God 'rained down' the healing for us to find-&-take (or to find 'the person who already found-&-took & will distribute to us as God wills'))—interrupts, telling us that 'God' came down and applied that healing; then telling us that–if we aren't healed yet–it means 'God' hates us!
I may have 'mismatched' the two Christianity-types in the subject-line ... i.e. maybe the 'Social' God is the Graduated one, and the Personal is the Elementary.
Because there are a couple things I've been 'praying-for' (in the solitary, "Matthew 6" way) that I still haven't gotten, as I suspect I would get if I shared my prayers with others (in the gathered-together, "Matthew 18" way): one, a wife—someone to take care of me; two, broadcasting-equipment—that I might more-easily share my thoughts with you.
But I don't have those things, because a) what woman wants to take care of a man (whom she hadn't originally met as an independent man who originally took care of her)? and b) I don't know who to ask to get the broadcasting equipment.
I may have 'mismatched' the two Christianity-types in the subject-line ... i.e. maybe the 'Social' God is the Graduated one, and the Personal is the Elementary.
Because there are a couple things I've been 'praying-for' (in the solitary, "Matthew 6" way) that I still haven't gotten, as I suspect I would get if I shared my prayers with others (in the gathered-together, "Matthew 18" way): one, a wife—someone to take care of me; two, broadcasting-equipment—that I might more-easily share my thoughts with you.
But I don't have those things, because a) what woman wants to take care of a man (whom she hadn't originally met as an independent man who originally took care of her)? and b) I don't know who to ask to get the broadcasting equipment.
Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
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