The word “Required” (a grain-of-sand in the base beneath "Calendar") is built on ancient words that mean "to Ask-, Seek Repeatedly (see Query, Re- ... a meaning that was taken-over by the word Request)."
The word “Theme” is built on ancient words that mean "to Set, Put (... Deposit, Subject, Proposition, |Thesis, Topic on which a person Writes and/or Speaks)."
(reminding me that last year (or the year before or so) was #Themed "The Year of the Local Church")
The cover of the calendar reads,
Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Eagle Mountain International Church
Fort Worth, Texas
And on the inside cover, first
Dear Partners and Friends,
Praise The LORD for all He has done in 2022! As we look forward to what is in store for 2023, we want to take a moment to share our apprecieation for everything you do to help Kenneth Copeland Ministries accomplish our God-given mission. Together, we are able to reach countless lives with the good news that Jesus is LORD! To express our gratitude, we've enclosed the 2023 ministry calendar as our gift to you.
The Church of the living God is on the move; so once again, we wanted our calendar to feature some of our Partner churches. We pray it will serve as a daily reminder for us to hold our local churches before The LORD in prayer.
If you'll recall, The LORD said 2022 would be the year of correction, direction, protection & perfection---in spirit, soul and body, in finances, churches and government. It has been a year of needed course corrections in many ways. Jesus has been preparing His Bride as never before, making us what we ought to be.
As we move into 2023, The LORD has said it will be as exciting as it can be. It'll be the time when you'll say it, and the devil will flee. And all around you will begin to rise up, like great mountains of victory, and you'll stand strong and say, "God is on my side in 2023 because He's BLESSING me."
As He continues to guide and direct us into victory in the new year, we encourage you to stand strong and say this: "God is on my side in 2023 because He's BLESSING me!
Thank you again for your support of this ministry. You're precious to us, and we continue to pray for you each day. Never forget---we love you, God loves you, and ...
Kenneth and Gloria Copeland
The mission of Kenneth Copeland Ministries is to minister the Word of Faith to believers worldwide, teaching them who they are in Christ and how to operate in the laws that govern divine healing, supernatural prosperity, and the God-kind of love. Our passion is to take people from the milk of the Word to the meat, from religion to reality.
We are commissioned to take a group of people and disciple them intensely in the Word of God, teach them an uncommonfaith, and help them stand victoriously in life.
Hear the uncompromised Word 24/7 from ministers you can trust!
Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001+1-817-852-6000kcm.orgGeorge Pearsons, CEOTerri Copeland Pearsons, Chief Visionary Officer
- KCM USA (flying the American flag)
- KCM CANADA (flying the Canadian flag)
- KCM AUSTRALIA AND ASIA PACIFIC (flying the flag of Australia)
- KCM AFRICA (flying the flag of South Africa)
- KCM EUROPE (flying both the flag of Great Britain and the flag of ... Germany? (I don't know my flags that well))
- KCM UKRAINE (flying the flag of Ukraine)
- KCM LATIN AMERICA (flying the flag of ... I don't know my flags that well)
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
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