100% of the precincts reporting, the #MAPS4 #Proposition is APPROVED! | #Propose #Proposal #Proposing #Propositional #PROP #Propositional #Propositioning

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'That word' (below-hyperlinked to The Oklahoman's report of MAPS 4's landslide-approval) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Proposition” is built on words that mean “a |Setting |Forth, Statement, Presentation, Representation, |Fundamental |Assumption (|Propound)” (when not discussing matters of government-action or city-management, 'to Proposition' (Propositioning)' is too-often taken-to-mean "|Offer Sexual |Favors").
The word is also said to mean "the action of Proposing that something be done," and "Propose" is built on words that mean "to |Put-, Place |Forth (Pro-, |Pose)" (often taken-to-mean "to make an |Offer of Marriage").

Or am I looking at that wrong (or 'wrongly' 🤓)? Tell
 me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
NOTE (hopefully something you should already know, but written
 here just to make sure): the display of Kristen Wiig's or Chuck
 Norris's approval does not necessarily indicate that they personally
 approve or -disapprove of MAPS 4 or the etymology of 'proposition'
 or ... anything. 

They are actors; most of the actions you see from them &
 the statements you hear from them are the words & actions
 of 'characters they portray.'

They might express their personal opinions elsewhere, and they
 might portray characters whose personal opinions they share;
 but they get paid to express whatever opinions they are given
 by the producers/directors/writers/editors/others-in-charge-of
