A #WritersLift asks My #WiP? #CorresTwandence - I'm a #Correstwandent, doing #Unrequested (and usually #Unrequited) #Freelance Etymology-Research & Random-Discussion

Writers frequently post #WritersLifts, asking other writers to reply with links to their books, articles, blogs and all collections of their writing (usually on Twitter, but they might also do them on other social-networks), which the #WritersLift-writer will then retweet (or display to all of their 'followers').

I usually respond with 'a link to this blog' (either to a post that interests me, or to whichever post this blog's homepage displays).

But then, I've been sharing 'my writings' on Twitter "forever"! What difference does 'sharing it AS "my writing"' make? Well, I'll explain 'below the subscribe-bar; but first ...

I post a lot of PAYING discussions in a forum accessed through 'the bold hyperlink(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The word “Corretwandence (what I think I'm doing here ... #Correstwanding #Correstwand #Correstwands #Correstwanded #Correstwandent)” is a portmanteau of Correspondence & Twitter

The word "Unrequested" is built of Un- + #Request (Express the Need or Desire for ... #Requested #Requesting #Requests)," which is built on ancient words that mean "Seek to Know, Ask for" (Require)

The word “Unrequited (Not Returned in Kind (usually referring to Love, but here referring to either 'Expert Commentary' or 'Money') ... #Unrequitedness #Unrequitedly)” is built on Un- + #Requite ( #Requited #Requiting #Requital), built on ancient words that mean "to Clear, Pay up (Quit) Back."
The word “Freelance (Writer, Artist, or other Self-Employed Worker Selling Services to Different Employers without a Long-Term Contract ... #Freelancer #Freelancing #Freelanced)” is built on Free + Lance (like the Medieval |Mercenary Warrior).


When I first got onto The Internet, I probably thought I was going to 'hack' it to give me lots of money (a la HACKERS). That 'false hope' was played-on by lots of schemes who revealed that 'the only way to MAKE money online (if you don't actually provide the Internet-Service or -the products for people to order) is ADVERTISING---of course, you bring people TO the advertising with 'your writing or composing the interesting display'; but you don't GET PAID unless people see the ads alongside your 'work'!

So most of my posts back then (and even a few of my latest posts) were essentially 'giant ads'---ads that got me in trouble with a few social-networks!

Now, I'm not "trying" to make money. (Oh, I still 'join affiliate-programs & put affiliate-links on my BlogSpot posts'; but that's only secondary to 'the service I'm providing'---researching the etymologies of words that I see in the Mass Media today, linking those etymologies' words to other etymologies, telling all the famous people "Happy Birthday!" and pointing readers-&-writers to my myLot-discussions!
