Maybe it's not "Freelancing" /per se/, but I AM #Lancing @MSNBC-stories, and SHARING it 'FREE'ly ... @NBCnews @KFOR

I registered on My MSNBC, and they shared a bunch of stories that I think are interesting

The word “Lancing” is built on ancient words that mean "Light Spear (or the Spear's Length)."
just like #Lance #Lances #Lanced #Lancet #Lancets #Lanceolate #Lanceolates #Lancer #Lancers
A #LanceCorporal is a Private (Soldier-Rank) doing the work of a Corporal (a folk-etymology of "Officer of Lowest Rank," meaning of 'an Englishing of' the Old Italian for "Old Soldier (literally Broken Lance)"). 
The name “Lance” is built on either the same foundations as that word or ancient words that mean "Land."
just like #Lanny #Lando

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

Their programming analyzed my recent browser-history & figured I'd like to know:
Then I told them my ZIP Code, and they suggested I find out:
Now, to 'Lance' some of that 🤺
My New Mantra (one of several)

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