#Warrior @AlexHonnold (#FreeSolo Climber) @DoctorWhoInfo & Types of #War

'One o` those Facebook "postive affirmations" (they call them "tests"–as if they "analyze your Facebook-profile & give you the results of some complicated-calculations"–but they're about as personalized as "fortune cookies") tells me 'my profile indicates that I'm a ...

And–like Penn-&-Teller say most people do with things like Horoscopes–I can 'read into' this agree (if I want to), "Yes, I am a warrior; I've been through hard stuff, and come out the other side victorious!" ... but then, Who hasn't?

That little 'disillusionment' (maybe I'm 'a warrior,' but not more than almost-anybody-else) put this "test"-result out of my mind until my support-group watched the National Geographic documentary FREE SOLO the other night. In it, climber Alex Honnold outlined 'the Warrior mindset':
... the free soloing mentality is pretty close to warrior culture, where you give something 100% focus because your life depends on it.
That's part of the quote, but the part I 'remember' (as near as I can recollect) was something-like:
... you're not really 'about the cause,' you're just there because it's 'what you do' ... 
Trying to find those words, I instead found an interview he gave afterward ... where he described the mindset as:
being in the ring, rising to the occasion, and performing. I was in a total gladiator mode.

And yes, I guess that's kind-of 'how I am.' Not with "rock-climbing," but more with ... if I had to use 'a word,' the word would be "Fun." But 'Fun' is a lot of different things (both 'to a lot of different people' and 'just to me, at different times').

For instance, I used to 'walk down to a local Karaoke-bar for fun.' I'm such a nerd, I used to 'go to school' for fun and -do math homework for fun and -tutor reading for fun. I guess maybe I mean 'because it's what I feel would be good to do' when I say "for fun."
but it does remind me of this little exchange:

Is 'one who does whatever they feel they ought-to' the true meaning of "Warrior"?

The word “|Warrior|” carries the scent of “to Wage #War.”
The word "|War|" carries the scent of "to |Confuse, Mix up." 

Patty Smith (Scandal): "(I am the) Warrior BANG-BANG!"

We've all learned about 'Civil War' (if your own country's ever had one, it probably still affects the way your country operates today ... as it does in America). And I'm sure that–when you first heard that name–something in your mind went "Civil War? You mean there was no violence & blood-shed & fighting in our country's war?"

And yes, there was. It's only called "Civil" war because one side's enemies are still one's fellow 'civilians' (although they may not consider themselves as such, due to their side's "secession" from 'the former union').

But I wondered 'Are there other types-of-war like Civil?' I searched around, and found that there are several ways people describe war:
There are several (mostly differing by their 'method of waging war'), but there seem to be three main classifications. Beside Civil War (fighting over differing philosophies or positions-of-power), there's War-for-Independence (in which a group of people are splitting off from a larger political body) and war-waged-to-gain-territory-or-resources (usually to make the larger group larger at the expense of the smaller group). 
I might add to Defense Wars (although you might believe the 'Conspiracy Theorists' who say these wars are just waged 'to gain resources')—possibly launched to guard against 'war waged to gain territory or resources' ... promoted with the thought that "we fight them 'over there' so that we don't have to fight them 'here'" (the main reason I agreed with George "Dubya" Bush's decision to send troops back to the Middle East).
