Remember #AmericanGladiators? Which #Gladiator are You? Who were Your Favorite @Gladiators? | @AmerGladiators @TheCinemaholic @GladiatorsTV @mental_floss @HowStuffWorks

I'm watching MUSCLES & MAYHEM: AN UNAUTHORIZED STORY OF AMERICAN GLADIATORS ('the old-fashioned way'---one episode every day- or week-or-so, rather than "binging" all the mini-series' episodes), and I've only re-met the first several of 'all these gladiators' (they & the rest of them are given in a 'where are they now?'-article from The Cinemaholic ... they & the rest are listed at GladiatorsTV).

I'll organize the Gladiator/Athlete/Thespian's listings beneath my 'report' on |that word| (linked to how stuff works's "Which Gladiator Are You?"-quiz), and ... I'll get into it.

The word |Gladiator| stands on the peak of the tower high above the proto-word *gladio- or *kladio- or *kladimo- "|Sword" (see |Claymore) which evolved through ancient words that mean "Fighter in the Public Square."
on which are also-built #Gladiators #Gladiatorial

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

Even though my favorite was Nitro (the proto-'Dean Cain'?), and I'm pretty sure many of the answers were designed for 'fun people' to answer the way surfer-dude Malibu would have; I got
a blonde American Gladiatrix points daringly, standing in the arena; the picture's over the text, "You Got: - Elektra - Salina Bartunek's short time on American Gladiators was marred by an injury that took her out for most of a season, but this lean athlete had enough fight to come back and compete in the championship. Also renowned as a "practical joker" she would periodically put Vaseline on the barbells of her fellow gladiators, making their workouts... interesting."
ELEKTRA - Salina Bartunek

& the rest of the Gladiators (forgive me if I leave out some or incorrectly identify them as various superheroes (of the big- and little-screen), but--other than their 'real names' & 'gladiator names' and other facts I'll find as I search around for more info--I'm writing a lot of this from 'my memory' (from both 'when I was a pre-teen first watching most of this stuff' and 'from one-documentary-or-another that AMERICAN GLADIATORS inspired ... ):

Phillip Poteat as ATLAS Matt Morgan as BEAST Sha-ri Pendleton as BLAZE Ritch Finnegan as BRONCO Steve Luxton as COBRA
Gina Carano ("Cara Dune") as CRUSH Barry Turner as CYCLONE Shannon Hall as DALLAS Erika Andersch as DIAMOND Suzanne Power as ELECTRA
Nekole Harnick as FLAME Steven Caropelo as FLASH Jamie Reed Kovac as FURY Michael Horton as GEMINI - one of the original six (as CATTALUS in the pilot) Tonya Knight as GOLD
George King as HAVOC Lee Reherman as HAWK Robin Coleman as HELLGA Breaux Greer as HURRICANE Lori Fetrick as ICE (first season)
Unknown as JADE Kimberly Rogers as JADE Rhonda Lundstedt as JAZZ Victoria Gay as JAZZ Monica Carlson as JET

Jesse Smith as JUSTICE Marisa Pare as LACE (one of "the original original 6," (like Michael) MENTAL FLOSS reminds me) Natalie Lennox Merritt as LACE Jim Starr as LASER Deron McBee (first season ... going on to be a MORTAL KOMBAT character, etc) as MALIBU
William Romeo as MAYHEM Alex Castro as MILITIA Dan Clark (the proto-'Dean Cain'šŸ˜ ... of the first 6) as NITRO Cathy Sassin as PANTHER Corinne van Ryck de Groot as PANTHER
Jennifer Wilderstrom as PHOENIX Sean Maloney as QUAKE Steve Davis as RAGE Sherilyn Godreau as RAVEN Mark Tucker as REBEL
Evan Dollard as ROCKET Lynn 'Red' Williams as SABRE Shelley Beattie as SIREN Valerie Waugaman as SIREN Shirley Eson Korito as SKY
Tanji Johnson as STEALTH Erin Toughill as STEEL Debbie Clark as STORM Cheryl Baldinger as SUNNY (of the first season) Ed Radcliffe as TANK
Reggie Biegler as TANK Paul Rogers as THOR William 'Billy' Smith as THUNDER Kristen Phelps as TIGRA David Nelson as TITAN
Bob Cicherillo as TITAN Tim Washington as TITAN Mike O'Hearn as TITAN Tanoai Reed as TOA Steve Henneberry as TOWER
Galen Tomlinson as TURBO Beth Horn as VENOM Scott Berlinger as VIPER Roger Stewart as VIPER Don 'Hollywood' Yates as WOLF
Raye Hollitt as ZAP (one of the original 6) Xin Sarith Wuku as ZEN ... and did that include the gladiators who were in the pilot-episodes? lemme see ...
hmm ... nope; there were tons of auditioning 'people' (mostly stunt-doubles & extras) who didn't get into the pilot-episode, and then 4 who GOT into the pilot but -who weren't kept on for the opening season
including ... , who was WILLIE Lisa McCullough, the original ZAP  , who was EVANDER , who was DOMINOS
... I can't find any more information than that (notes I took from the NETFLIX-show's first episode),
 maybe you can tell us more about it in the comments below.

(... in fact, I'd be surprised if they weren't featured in an episode of NETFLIX's THE TOYS THAT MADE US ... at least alongside the WRESTLEMANIA toys!)
My New Mantra (one of several) - Nothing is forever except Change (BUddhA)

... and I have to mention that a lot of help (a share of revenue, extra topics from magazines & advertising, etc.) comes from WowApp: Using the Wowism Community's Fairness to Prevail over Economic Greed
