#ProtoWords: Ancient Base/Root-Words (upon which are built most of the words we study) | @Wikipedia @internetArchive

Most of the words we use are built on ancient words that mean other words that are built on ancient words that mean other words that are built on ancient words that mean other words that are built on ancient words ... that (oftentimes) are built on |Proto-words|---words that--while they themselves probably didn't actually exist--can be deduced from other words (& see Proto-).
just like #ProtoWord ... I'm kind of  'coining' that word,
 as most 'etymologists' specify which proto-language the
 word comes-from (whereas I don't care 'which proto-language
 it came from' right now)

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

Many of the proto-words I find (words from Proto-Indo-European (languages including Proto-Germanic/-Norse, Proto-Greek, Proto-Armenian, Proto-Celtic/-Brittonic, Proto-Italic/-Romance), Proto-Afroasiatic, Proto-Niger, Proto-Northwest Caucasian, Proto-Kartvelian, Proto-Basque,  Proto-Turkic, Proto-Mongolic, Proto-Koreanic, Proto-Japonic, Proto-Dravidian, Proto-Indo-Aryan, Proto-Eskimo, Proto-Muskogean, Proto-Iroquoian, Proto-Mayan, Proto-Siouan, etc.):
*bhreg-, *dhe-, *kerd-, *dheu-, *(s)pen-, *wer-, *reg-, *per-, *ag-, *aim-, *ner-, *med-, *paewr-, *apo-, *dekm-, *ser-, *ters-, *sa-, *rei-, *sna-, *dwo-, *kwo-, *sker-, *bhag-, *kreus-, *dheigh-, *neu-, *eu-, *pel-, *tere-, *angh-, *swep-, *tolkw-, *el-, *ghabh-, *mori-, *plak-, *plat-, *weg-, *ked-, *porko-, *ambhi-, *kleu-, *gwhi-, *ere-, *do-, *kar-, *gheim-, *klingg-, *sta-, *wandljaz, *(s)mer-, *leudh-/*leudh-ero-, *tag-*slæwaz

I'm not sure if Latin and other such languages ("dead languages") count as 'proto-languages'; I mean---Latin-etc. are historically real (they were written and (we imagine) spoken in ancient times), but sometimes our sources give the Latin words as 'the ultimate root of the word' 😵 
