the protoword #Bhreg-

The proto-word |*Bhreg-|--meaning "to Break," theorized because of words that mean "Breaking-Forth, to Break in Pieces, Shatter, Fracture, Crash, Crack, |BreakWind"-- 
is support for ancient words that mean "|anfractuous; |Brabant; |bracken; |brake (both the "stopping device for a wheel" and the "kind of fern"); |brash; |breach; Break; |breccia; |breeches; |brioche; |chamfer; |defray; |diffraction; |fractal; Fraction; Fractious; |fracture;  ... 
|fragile; |fragility; |fragment; |frail; |frangible; |infraction; |infringe; |irrefragable; |irrefrangible; |naufragous; Ossifrage; Refract; Refraction; |refrain (the noun); |refrangible; |sassafras; |saxifrage; |suffragan; |suffrage."

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

And so it goes.
My New Mantra (one of several)

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