a fellow @Quora-user asks about #Persecution | #Persecute #Persecutes #Persecuted #Persecuting #Persecutor #Persecutors #PersecutionComplex #PersecutionMania

|That word| seems important; so I found out a little more about |that word| (below-linked to the Quora-post that brought |that word| to my attention) and share my findings with you below---maybe I'll add some notes beneath (and/or you might start/continue the discussion in the comments).
The word |Persecution| sits at the peak of the high tower above a compound of syllables built on the proto-words #sekw- "to Follow" & *per- "Forward," which evolved into ancient words that mean "to Follow Through, Prosecute, start a Legal Action, Proceed Against, Hunt Down, render Suffering, -Affliction, -Damage & -Oppression (for the Holding of a Belief or Opinion)."
I know that 'just one of those ancient meanings' would've
 been enough to communicate the root's connection to today's
 meaning, but I guess I'm passionate about the well-deserved
 'persecution' that's happening lately.
The proto-word |*sekw-| is deduced from conferring ancient words that mean "Accompanies, Comes After; to Second ('I Second that Emotion'šŸ˜)" and forms all or part of the words "Associate, Consequence, Ensue, Execute, Intrinsic, Obsequious, Prosecute, PursueSecond (both the 'Next After First'-meaning & the 'One-Sixtieth of a Minute'-meaning), Sect, Segue, Sequel, Sequence, Sequester, Social, Subsequent, Sue, Suit, Suite, Suitor."

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

Donald Trump gave a short statement following his court appearance in Washington., "This is a very sad day for America. It was also very sad driving through Washington DC and seeing the filth and the ...
