Why does @Microsoft think 'I need to know about Stocks @MSN_Money before I can #Proceed'? | @theJonesOKC

(i.e. why do they think I'm 'interested' in that ... both in "those particular stocks' and in 'investment in general'?)

MSN Money observes 'the stocks Microsoft somehow picked-out (and decided I had to be notified-about)' in a report you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; they might explain 'why they picked-out those stocks (and/or will pick out different ones for you) but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word โ€œProceedโ€ is built on ancient words that mean "to Go-, Yield Forward."
#Proceeded #Proceeding #Proceeds (on the notion of 'things which proceed/occur from some possession or transaction') #Procedure


Maybe the link tells you something different than it tells me (you can click and tell me in the comments), but ...

I click on the link they share with me in 'my notifications' (which drop down from a a little gear drawn right next to my avatar on any Microsoft-page). The link takes me to an MSN Money page for "My Watchlist," with a medium-sized 'island' already opened. The 'island' has this text on it:
We've created a watchlist just for you. Click the blue button below to get started.
  • Follow Potential Investments
  • Quickly Get Updated
  • Focus Your Attention
The blue button has the text, "Add all to my watchlist," and--if it weren't for the above text that says the blue button 'gets me started'--I'd guess that the button just 'adds "the four stocks listed above it" to the page that's probably behind the pop-up island.' 

Those four stocks are 
  • BAC (Bank of Americ...) with the Analyst Recommendation Buy
  • SNY (Sanofi Sa (... right---I've never heard of 'em) with the Analyst Recommendation Strong Buy
  • TWTR (Twitter, Inc.) with the Analyst Recommendation Hold
  • FB (Meta Platforms...) with the Analyst Recommendation Buy
I shut the island, and it shows me that "my watchlist" is ... I don't know, I'll try to relate it

I guess it's in a downward slope; but I don't even know 'what that means'---I mean, I know it means 'the companies' stocks are losing value'; but which companies? it doesn't say, it just gives me 'a downward slope' (with notes telling me HOW 'downward' it's gotten every day for about a month)

Oh! ๐Ÿ˜† Scrolling-down a little shows me that my current "watchlist" was only one stock---USA (Liberty All-Star Equity Fund). I don't remember if I asked MSN to watch that one for me (like they asked me which one I want them to watch, and my patriotic spirit replied, 'U-S-A! U-S-A!') or it's just 'the one they watch for all new #stock-watchers' ...

Or maybe 'the people who handle my money for me' put some of it into that Fund and told me so, and I've slept sometime since then ๐Ÿง™๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ

This sense of the word โ€œStockโ€ comes from #StockMarket, originally a fish-&-meat market named for the #Stocks (Large Wooden Blocks used to |Confine & |Punish Vagrants & |Petty |Offenders) that used to be there (the same way a party-hall in downtown OKC is named after the manufacturing-plant that used to be there).
#StockExchange #StocksAndBonds #StockBroker #StockHolder
