What's the Best #Yield You Can Get on Crops in Your #KlondikeTLE Farm? Come Find Out! | #Yielding #Yielded #Yields #KlondikeTheLostExpedition @Vizor_Games

My post explains KLONDIKE: THE LOST EXPEDITION linked through 'that word' below, and I'll list some of 'the yields' (reported by Klondike's FANDOM-Wiki) below the Subscribe-bar; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Yield” is built on ancient words that mean "to Pay."


In Garden-plots, you can grow
  • Beans (10 coins to plant, 5 minutes to grow & either use or sell for 30 coins)
  • Wild Strawberries (55 coins, 10 minutes for 88 coins)
  • Rye - 25 coins, 15 minutes for 53 coins
  • Beet - 15 coins, 45 minutes for 60 coins
  • Flax - 120 coins, 90 minutes for 274 coins
  • Carrot - 150 coins, 2 hours for 416 coins
  • Cabbage 185 coins 90 minutes 427 coins
  • Sweet Pepper 200 coins 8 hours 623 coins
  • Marrow 230 coins 3 hours 633 coins
  • Cucumber 255 coins 2 hours 663 coins
  • Cotton 295 coins 32 hours (so you'll probably only grow it when you need cotton 'for a cloth or a sweater or something,' but you can still sell the cotton for) 511 coins
  • Tomato (planted per-unit for) 320 coins (gron for) 8 hours (and sold for) 704 coins
  • Grape 480 coins 48 hours 1714 coins
  • Coffee 405 coins 22 hours 800 coins
  • Sugarcane 210 coins 72 hours 750 coins
  • Pineapple 680 coins 16 hours 1320 coins
  • Redcurrant 560 coins 24 hours 1346 coins
  • Corn 620 coins 48 hours 1640 coins
  • Pumpkin 880 coins 48 hours 1554 coins
  • Lettuce 1250 coins 8 hour 1596 coins
  • Watermelon 2030 coins 72 hours 4792 coins
  • Rice (tho it looks like Cottage Cheese) 1740 coins 96 hours 3076 coins
  • Sunflower 2850 coins 36 hours 4078 coins
  • Tulips ?? coins ?? hours ?? coins
