@MoveOn will Train us to Move America Up to the #Fore Again! | #Fore- #For- #ForeAndAft #Forebear #Forward #Vor

They sent out a text--most of which I'll put below the subscribe-bar--with a link to a page (you can access through 'the bold word(s)' below) where you can sign up for the FREE three-day Progressive Power Training; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Fore” (meaning of a word in the foundation beneath Progressive) is built on ancient words that mean "in Front of, Before."


The text they sent
This Sunday, we're kicking off a virtual three-part training series that will set us up to elect Progressives this November. You and I know how much is at stake for our climate, for Democracy and for working people. Our work can make a difference between winning and losing. Will you join the Progressive Power Training Series, starting Sunday, May 1, at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT?
I replied, 'Sure,' and they went on
Great! We'll see you soon! Feel free to share this RSVP link on social media or with your friends and family who may be interested in being a part of our movement.

http://mvn.to/31u (redirecting to https://campaigns.moveon.org/progressivepowertrainingseries/register/?source=spoke, by-the-way)

I searched to see if I could find more information on the PPTS. Here's what I found so far

Progressive Power Summit Certificate Application

Join other MoveOn members and take your organizing to the next level at this year's MoveOn Progressive Power Summit, an immersive three-day virtual training. You can learn the fundamentals of organizing in your community—or hone your organizing skills in our advanced strategy sessions. 

At this year’s summit there will be a unique opportunity for attendees to earn an official MoveOn certificate for progressing through MoveOn’s organizing tracks. This is a great chance to build your résumé and showcase the breadth of your organizing skills. Advance through MoveOn’s summit sessions for the opportunity to earn an exclusive certificate for completing the Foundations of Organizing or Advanced Political Organizing Strategies track.

Register for your certificate and join us for a weekend filled with progressive speakers, skills-building, fun activities, free swag, the latest political updates, and clear next steps to create meaningful change locally, nationally, and abroad!

Not sure which certificate to register for? Click here to take our quiz, or view detailed track information here. If you haven't registered for the summit yet, you can do that by clicking here!

So I guess I'll decide 'which certificate-track' after I 'register' at the link ... but I feel like looking at my certificate-options first.
.. hmm; guess I'm not familiar-enough with the #ProgressivePowerSummit to 'discern' the "different certificates" available.... I'm taking the quiz ... and they recommend I take the Advanced Organizing Strategies track (like VEEP Selina Meyer, I've got what it takes!)

I register (not needing to know 'what track I'm joining'), and they ask me to share this link as I wait for confirmation.
I'm not sure if that 'whole tweet' feeds through (all I see right now is the 't.co'-URL for it), so I'll tell you I didn't know the training-sessions were bi-weekly. The link they show takes me to a schedule for virtual classes SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 1-3 ... LAST YEAR! ... and I'm supposed to learn organization-skills from them?

Anyway, just a minor misstep ... ... ... I also found a link to a summary of a previous PPTS
