3 Success-Principles of #Executives & ... #Addicts? ('Recovering' Addicts, Ex-Addicts) @TedTalks @TedXNashville #Execute #Addiction #Executive #Addict #Exec #Addicted #Execs #Addicting

Again, the three principles of Success: 
  1. Practice rigorous authenticity 
  2. Surrender the Outcome 
  3. Do Uncomfortable Work

The word “Executive” is built on ancient words that mean “to |Follow after, Carry out, |Accomplish” (branch of government charged to Enforce laws; |High-|Ranking |Businessman (hence Stylish, Luxurious, |Costly)).
The word “Addict” is built on ancient words that mean “|To (|Ad-) + to |Say, |Declare, |Adjudge, Allot” (|Show, Pronounce Solemnly ... |Yield to |Impulse).
