My Experience with Marketing has been 'Out of #Sequence,' So I'm Hearing "This #EmailMarketing-Wisdom" sorta Late ... @CTPtalk
The lesson-series (you can get by joining on the site linked throug 'the main word' below) has been repeating-&-repeating the old maxim "The Money is in The List (the list of email-addresses you collect and send your offers)." I guess I thought he was going to be harping on 'the good offers you send to your list,' so I didn't pay much attention to the pieces of wisdom he was giving ...
I'll discuss that wisdom in a moment; but first I want to understand that word ("Sequence") better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...
The word “Sequence” is built on ancient words that mean "to Follow" (the |Hymn (Answering Verses) sung after the Hallelujah & before the Gospel). #Sequential

The wisdom--maybe the tips he should've started the series with--was 1) you don't want to introduce yourself with a sales-offer (he does mention how 'most Internet-marketers'll tell you to "send your email-list straight to a sales-page," but he suggests you send them to a "lead-capture page" instead),
because 2) you want your marketing to be mostly 'Pull' (getting customers to your page, letting them see all the FREE information & -SEE that your suggestions are worth their money) and only a little bit "Push" (only suggesting that they "buy something" when 'buying something' really will help them accomplish their goals).
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