AMAZING FACTS shares quotes like this (and lots of Bible-knowledge) in a group you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The prefix “Im-” is built on ancient words that mean "In- (both in the sense of 'Not, Opposite of'' in Immobile, Impersonal and in the sense of "In, Into" in Implant, Impoverish)" (sometimes using the #Em- alternative).
BibleHub's interlinear translation puts it,
Ὥστε Therefore, | ἀδελφοί brothers | μου of me | ἀγαπητοί beloved, | ἑδραῖοι steadfast | γίνεσθε be, |
ἀμετακίνητοι Immovable, | περισσεύοντες abounding | ἐν in | τῷ the | ἔργῳ work | τοῦ of the |
Κυρίου Lord | πάντοτε #always, | εἰδότες knowing | ὅτι that | ὁ the | κόπος #toil |
ὑμῶν of you | οὐκ not | ἔστιν is | κενὸς in vain | ἐν in | Κυρίῳ [the] Lord |
#StrongsG3842, the word they translate "Always"--built on ancient words that mean that literally mean "All the Ways"--could also be translated "Ever, |Evermore, At All Times, Continually."
#Alway #AlwaysAndForever #ForeverAndAlways #ForAlways
#Toiled #Toiling #Toils #Toilsome
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