It SICKENS Me that You People think 'Health' comes from "Medicine" & "Visits to the Doctor" & "Hospital Stays" & "Professional Therapy" ... Why Not #DoItYourself? @Ecosia @TodayIFoundOut1 #DiY #DoItYourselfers #It #Yourself #Your #Yours #Yourn #Yer
I follow a lot of "Democratic Socialists" on Twitter (I use the quote-marks because I'm not sure if they know 'what they're claiming' ... that, or I'm not sure—remember the days when you wouldn't publish things unless you knew them 'for sure'?) And a big thing they're talking about is 'Medicare for All'—the idea that–since many-many other countries have healthcare-services paid-for by a government-program (i.e. included in your taxes rather than a separate collection of insurance-programs)–we ought to adopt such a program in America.
I then see 'examples of such systems' (well, only one example I can remember; but I suspect it's indicative of other examples I might find), and 'the drop in quality' doesn't seem to be worth 'the drop in cost.'

I say so on Twitter, and the 'democratic socialists' respond by telling me how much better health is in other countries.
I think there are other factors to health than "medical industry" covers; but I look up 'Health' and can't find a site (at least not on the first page of results) that talks about 'living right before you get to the hospital/clinic/professionals!' (actually I can; but still it sickens me how 'health without hospitals'-search brought up "paying for hospitals & -insurance"-results).
Shouldn't our initial thoughts in Healthcare be along the lines of 'DIY?'
'That word' (below-hyperlinked to a 'Do It Yourself Health'-search that earns money the search-engine uses to plant trees) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The Initialism “DIY” is obviously built on words that mean “Do It Yourself” (first seen in what archaeologists called an "ancient IKEA building" in Greek ruins, also popularized in magazines (Popular Mechanics, Mecanix Illustrated, etc.) in the twentieth century;
(starting a movement in Home Improvement (This Old House, HGTV, The DIY Network, etc.), carrying over into Fashion (doing Makeup, Distressing Jeans, etc.) and a whole subculture of -Publishing (Books, Zines, Alt-Comics), -Recording (Musicians & Bands, making their own music or -on Mixtapes done by their fans) -3R (Reduce/Reuse/Recycle)ed materials,
(-Crafts (Knitting, Crochet, Sewing, Handmade Jewelry, Ceramics etc.), -'Business Cards,' -Invitations, -Greeting Cards-etc., -'Punk or Indie' Merch, -Game Development, -Roller Derby, -Skateboarding Parks, -Electronic Music, -Modding (a.k.a. 'MacGuyver-ing' ... related to 'Jury-Rigging' (or SNL's "MacGruber"-ing)) & -Hobby Electronics (RADIO SHACK etc.)).
The word "It" is built on words that mean " This" ( |He).
The word "Your" is built on words that mean " |You" ( |Thou, |Ye).
... and no, I don't mean "self-amputation" or "pulling your own teeth out" when I say 'do-it-yourself healthcare.' I mean things like Eating Right and Exercising & Keeping Clean etc.!
Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
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