#Ever (both Where- I Go & What- I Do), I Manifest ZOE-Love @CopelandNetwork @prayerDotOrg

That word (not actually in the Scripture-passage (quoted below), but the suffix used in a few words in a note Kenneth Copeland Ministries connected to those Scriptures (along with the Scriptures & notes hyperlinked through that word)) is built on some ancient foundations ...

The word "Ever" #Eer (E'er) #Everlasting #EverLiving #EverLoving #Evergreen #Everglades #Whatever #Wherever #Whoever #Whosoever #Wheresoever #WhitherSoever #Whenever #Whensoever #However #Howsoever #WhyEver #WhySoever# is built on ancient words that mean "Vital Force, Long Life, Eternity."
