How #infinityTrafficBoost extends your #iTB-Downline to #Eternity

The video below the 'grain of sand' explains the infinite commissions you can earn at the bold link below; but first, I want to teach you about those words.
The word “Eternity” carries the scent of “Age (Vital Force, Long Life)” (Infinite Time).

#Eternal #Eternally 

While I was embedding this video in this post, I let the video play in another window. It started out telling us that 'you don't have to pay; you can earn an income simply by "surfing" (visiting other members' pages).' But later on, it tells us that we have to BUY a position in order to qualify for commissions 😤 (Granted, you can pay them in Bitcoin you've earned WITHOUT paying; but ... I'm playing the vid again) 
