Tho it will NEED to be Wise & Popular & Profitable, My Goal is 'for This to Be an #Evergreen Resource'

Doing some 'undercover research' on the blockchain behind ClickTrackProfit, I saw a lesson on 'Being Evergreen'---a lesson that said that Being Evergreen is one of the secrets to profiting online!

X explains Y in a report linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Evergreen” refers to Trees & Shrubs whose leaves don't change color in the Autumn, & is built of the words Ever & Green.


I'm re-watching the lesson; and it seems that the main 'first step' to being evergreen is "using other evergreen programs." It's funny though; though he names all sorts of types of products that are evergreen (autoresponder mailing-lists, analytics- & tracking-programs, hosting-services ...), the only 'evergreen product' he actually gives the NAME of (in the 'Be Evergreen'-lesson) is the networking- & training-hub being PROMOTED.

I guess my idea of 'evergreen' includes a few qualities that differ from ClickTrackProfit's definition---the main difference? he mentions that 'one of the defining characteristics of the "evergreen" products he uses' is that he is going to unquestioningly pay for his subscription/membership with each of those products.

The 'evergreen' products I use ... well, they're not exactly "marketing"-products (though they do provide 'the background for the market itself')---products like ... so basic, I don't even know! something like 'the connection provided by my Internet Provider (probably AT&T in a bundle with my WI-FI (television ... don't know if it's still "cable," but there are cables involved; or it could be COX ...).

Then another 'so basic you don't really think about it': my email (currently MSN's Outlook ... and I'm sure you could name quite a few email-providers; most of whom are attached to the biggest kind of 'evergreen product' I can think of ...)

The search-engine! Maybe "successful marketers" rely on autoresponder mailing-lists, analytics- & tracking-programs etc.; but people with money use search-engines (the reason so many online money-makers rely heavily on Search-Engine Optimization (SEO)).
