Buddhism Teaches the #MutualPossessionOfTenWorlds, but Christianity Blinds Believers to All #Worlds but One-at-a-Time @SokaGakkai @CopelandNetwork
The word “World” is built on ancient words that mean “Age (on foundations of Grow, Nourish) of Man (foundations of |Virile, Were- of Werewolf).”
- The ten worlds (in case the picture above isn't displaying ... and so that I can link to discussion about each individual world)
- Hell - where one feels that Life Is Suffering (I know that that's the beginning of a common Buddhist 'mantra,' but your life in the "underground prison" of Hell feels that life is nothing but suffering—like The Eightfold Noble Path isn't even an option)
- Hunger - a little bit is needed for the impetus to self-improvement, but too much hunger drives you to such greed that you'll devour your own children to satisfy it!
- Animality (the Jungle—kill or be killed, eat or be eaten)
- Anger (a.k.a. asuras) - in which you feel that–since you are superior to all others (in at least one way)–you deserve better 'wages' than you're getting & are justified in waging your wrath upon any who keeps your 'wages' away from you.
- Humanity - Balancing the Needs & Desires & Hungers with the Grace of Patience & Reason
- Heaven - Experiencing the Joy of Desire-Fulfillment
- ... but That's Not The End! Well, it's the end of your lower life of 'the six paths'; but there are four Noble worlds to explore as you go on to live a higher life
- These are two methods (learning from someone else, realizing through your own thoughts & life-conditions) of gaining Enlightenment.
- Bodhisattva - regarding a Buddha as their teacher, they seek to gain supreme Enlightenment like his but not equal-to his
- Buddhahood ... Being an Enlightened One

But when you look at that verse in the "interlinear" version, you see that the word the KJV (with many other versions) translates "world" actually refers to the Greek word κόσμον meaning something more like "the Orderly Affairs of the Inhabitants of the world."
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